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Feb. 21, 2025

Watch the full webinar now: How to get a job in a DA's office

Cal Lawyer sat down with representatives from district attorneys' offices throughout California to find out what it takes to secure a role there, and what new recruits can expect.

Cal Lawyer recently sat down with representatives from district attorneys' offices throughout California to find out what it takes to secure a role there, and what new recruits can expect. The panel features Cindy Zimmer, District Attorney of Kern County; Brock Zimmon, Assistant District Attorney in Orange County; Tina Hooks, Deputy in Charge of Recruitment for Los Angeles County; and Katrina Ranum, Deputy District Attorney in Sacramento County.

Tune in and find out everything you ever wanted to know about entry points into the profession, required skills and education, typical first-year experiences, and the unique advantages of working in their respective counties.

Episode guide

Part 1: Panelist Introductions (00.14)
Part 2: Pathways to the DA's Office (04:37)
Part 3: Education Requirements for Working in a DA's Office (08:28)
Part 4: Internship Opportunities (11:18)
Part 5: What Can New Recruits Expect? (21:59)
Part 6: What's the Working Environment Like? (25:28)
Part 7: Why Choose a Career as a Prosecutor? (30:39)


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