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Jul. 27, 2010

How Lindsay Lohan Could Have Avoided Jail

The court tossed Lindsay Lohan a a life jacket but she chose to sink instead.

Louis J. Shapiro


Louis, a former Los Angeles County Public Defender, is a criminal defense attorney and State Bar-certified criminal law specialist out of Century City. He is also a legal analyst, board member of the California Innocence Project and Project For The Innocence at Loyola Law School, CACJ and LACBA'S Criminal Justice Executive Committee.

Much attention has been given to Lindsay Lohan's nail polish or how much time she will actually serve out of the 90-day sentence. Surprisingly, a solution for a last ditch effort to have avoided the 90-day incarceration seems to have gone unaddressed.

I had the benefit of being one of the misdemeanor calendar deputy public defenders in Judge Marsha Revel's courtroom from 2008 through 2009. This of course is the courtroom that has handled probation for Lohan's drunken-driving ca...

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