self-study/Criminal Law
SCOTUS favors Napue over Brady in rare death penalty reversal inGlossip
By Max Alderman, Maya Jamesself-study/Civil Practice
EEOC and DOJ oppose heightened standard in 'reverse discrimination' cases
By Juan C. Enjamio, Veronica A. Torrejónself-study/Corporate
Board diversity initiatives - the pendulum swings back
By Anna Cardoso, Teresa L. Johnsonself-study/Legal Ethics
California's first Native American assemblymember champions historic tribal protection
By Dorothy Altherself-study/Tax
IRS Forms 1099 for lawsuit settlements often total 200% of the payment
By Robert W. Woodself-study/Civil Procedure
Ocean cargo claims and forum selection clauses
By Terry Coniglioself-study/Alternative Dispute Resolution
Arbitration has come a long way
By Tricia A. Bigelowself-study/Competence Issues (Addressing Substance Abuse and Physical/Mental Impairment)
Workaholic and worn out: Don't let work stress lead you astray
By Alanna G. Clair, Shari L. Klevensself-study/Civil Procedure
Informal discovery conferences in California courts
By Stuart M. Riceself-study/Tax
Tax triage for LA fire victims
By Alex Z. Brown, Robert W. Woodself-study/Legal Ethics
Whose dollar, whose dream? Navigating third-party payor ethics
By Andrew Browning, Farah Khaledself-study/Civil Procedure
Simultaneous § 998 offers: Divergent bright line rules
By Gary A. Wattself-study/Law Practice Management
If it's not in writing, did it happen?
By Alanna G. Clair, Shari L. Klevensself-study/Administrative/Regulatory
The Great London Fire Court: Relevant 17th-century procedures for COVID disputes?
By Howard B. Millerself-study/Civil Procedure
Ambiguity Times Three
By Michael J. Raphaelself-study/Administrative/Regulatory
Diversion options for veterans
By Eileen C. Mooreself-study/International Law
The future of US policy on Chinese EV manufacturers
By James Kimself-study/Intellectual Property
Supreme Court IP cases to watch in 2025
By Michelle E. Armond, Monica M. Arnoldself-study/Administrative/Regulatory
DOJ playbooks: New covers, same rules?
By Misa Eiritz, Randy Grossmanself-study/Tax
Many 2020-2025 wildfire settlements to be retroactively tax-free
By Alex Z. Brown, Robert W. WoodSELF-STUDY CREDIT:
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