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Constitutional Law

Nov. 22, 2008

Can Obama Bring Us Back From the Dark Side?

One of President-elect Barack Obama’s first actions must be to change course and to repudiate the Bush administration’s policies that violate international law and the U.S. Constitution, writes Erwin Chemerinsky. - Forum Column

Erwin Chemerinsky

Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law

Erwin's most recent book is "Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism." He is also the author of "Closing the Courthouse," (Yale University Press 2017).


By Erwin Chemerinsky

It is not hyperbole to say that the Bush administration has the worst record on human rights of any presidency in American history. Since the time of George Washington and the Revolutionary War, this nation has prided itself on humane treatment of all prisoners captured during wartime. This country was integral to creating the Geneva Accords and treaties prohibiting torture and generally has been scrupulous in compl...

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