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Apr. 30, 2010

Democratic U.S. Senators, including Charles Schumer (N.Y.) took to enemy territory Thursday when they launched a bill intended to curb the impact of a major U.S. Supreme Court ruling by holding a press conference in front of the court itself. In the case decided in January, the court lifted restrictions on corporate-funded independent expenditures prior to elections Citizens United v. FEC, 2010 DAR 949. The bill would impose new disclosure requirements on such expenditures. Among the provisions is one that would require corporate CEOs to appear on camera if their company is a major source of funding for an ad. — Lawrence Hurley

Democratic U.S. Senators, including Charles Schumer (N.Y.) took to enemy territory Thursday when they launched a bill intended to curb the impact of a major U.S. Supreme Court ruling by holding a press conference in front of the court itself. In the case decided in January, the court lifted restrictions on corporate-funded independent expenditures prior to elections Citizens United v. FEC, 2010 DAR 949. The bill would impose new disclosure requirements on such expenditures. Among the provi...

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