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Apr. 21, 2010

More than 700 athletes took to the surf, sand and streets to compete in the 33rd annual Kring & Chung Newport Beach Triathlon on April 11. The race kicks off with a half-mile swim in the Back Bay of Newport Beach, continues with a 14-mile bike ride along the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve and ends with a three-mile run behind the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. Kring & Chung, a business litigation fi rm with offi ces throughout California and in Las Vegas, has sponsored the triathlon since 1997. “It’s good to support a local race,” said Kyle Kring, a partner at Kring & Chung who has competed in 20 of the past 33 races. “The cool thing is that there are a bunch of families that do the race, sometimes from three generations,” he said. “It’s one of the oldest triathlons in the U.S.”

More than 700 athletes took to the surf, sand and streets to compete in the 33rd annual Kring & Chung Newport Beach Triathlon on April 11. The race kicks off with a half-mile swim in the Back Bay of Newport Beach, continues with a 14-mile bike ride along the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve and ends with a three-mile run behind the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort.

Kring & Chung, a business litigation fi rm with offi ces throughout California and in Las Vegas, has sponsored the...

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