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Intellectual Property

Jul. 13, 2018

Hype may initially overvalue 5G standard essential patents

What happens when the Internet of Things meets 5G meets standard essential patents in an environment of unbridled optimism surrounding this new technology?

Teri H.P. Nguyen

Principal, Polsinelli LLP


Teri focuses her practice on intellectual property litigation matters, with experience in patent and trade secrets litigation, as well as trademark, copyright, and complex commercial litigation and counseling.

Lucas H. Dahlin

Associate, Polsinelli LLP


Lucas focuses on matters related to intellectual property litigation, specifically, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. He also counsels clients on overall intellectual property strategy and positioning, including commercialization, licensing arrangements and alternative dispute resolution.


The anticipation over 5G -- the fifth generation mobile networking standard -- cannot be understated. Many see its roll-out not only as a faster, more powerful, and expansive telecommunication network, but expect it to usher in revolutionary "smart" technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, smart power grids, and sensor-equipped products. Indeed, experts expect the 5G network to support 50 billion connected devices by 2020 with data rates 100...

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