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Law Practice,
Ethics/Professional Responsibility

Oct. 4, 2019

The essential timing of ethical screens to prevent firm disqualification

Due increasing lateral movement, it is more important than ever that firms take a close look at who they are hiring and how to build an ethical wall around new hires to prevent disqualification of the entire firm by conflicts of interest.

Stephanie Yee

Litigation Associate, Murphy, Pearson, Bradley & Feeney


Stephanie counsels individual and corporate clients in a variety of matters related to business law, professional liability, and insurance defense.


The trend is clear. Gone are the days where the majority of attorneys spend their entire careers at one firm. It is quickly becoming more and more common that attorneys are lateraling and switching firms every few years. Due to this growing movement, it is more important than ever that firms take a close look at who they are hiring and how to build an ethical wall around new hires to prevent disqualification of the entire firm by conflicts of interest.

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