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Legal Education

Mar. 27, 2023

MCLE is a pain, but can be very useful

Spending time on MCLE’s can feel like eating glass, especially if it is not billable or applies to current caseloads. But the pain associated with this type of study can be mitigated by tailoring MCLE packets to predictable areas of law that might be advantageous to your current or near-future practice.

Garth M. Drozin

Law Offices of John C. Ye

Phone: (213) 427-2826


Southwestern University SOL; Los Angeles CA

Continuing Education classes, videos, and learning materials are required in several fields, not just law. We lawyers are not required to qualify on MCLE credits every year, but it seems that way, when your alphabetical trigger puts you on the clock, once again. Many attorneys simply look for the cheapest or quickest package and buy it, reluctantly taking tests or logging the hours required to get past that requirement. It is definitely an encumbering obligation, esp...

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