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Mar. 20, 2024

A tribute to Larry H. Parker (1948-2024)

Larry H. Parker passed away earlier this month, leaving behind a legacy of fighting for the rights of the injured. He was remembered by his friends, colleagues, and fans as a legal titan and a humble person.

Michael E. Rubinstein

Law Office of Michael E. Rubinstein

433 N Camden Drive Suite 600
Beverly Hills , CA 90210

Phone: (213) 293-6075

Fax: (323) 400-4585


Loyola Law School; Los Angeles CA

Michael is a Los Angeles-based personal injury and accident attorney.

Courtesy of the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker

There’s no specific point in time when it clicked for Ron Beck that Larry H. Parker was a Southern California celebrity. But a few key memories stand out.

At a Dodgers game Beck attended in the mid-1990s, Roger Owens, the famous Dodger Stadium peanut man, launched a bag of peanuts towards a hungry fan in trademark fashion. On its way to its intended target, the peanut bag walloped another unsuspecting fan on the side of the head. “Call Larr...

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