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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Jun. 11, 2024

The wild gold rush of the mediation profession: Strike it rich or bust?

There are 1.33 million lawyers and 40 million lawsuits filed in the US every year, creating a backlog and delay in the court system. Even if only 10 million cases go to mediation, there would be a need for 43,478 full-time mediators.


“Go west young man, haven’t you been told California’s full of whiskey, woman, and gold” are the lyrics from the song “I Should’ve Been a Cowboy” by the recently deceased country superstar Toby Keith. The lyrics describe the draw to Mediation by so many recovering attorneys. I have been a recovering attorney for 25 years with most of that sobriety spent in business. Let’s see, continue to fight with lawyers all day over every matter no matter how trivial, endless dep...

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