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Education Law

Aug. 20, 2024

Courts sharpen their pencils for school-related culture wars

Conservative school boards have passed resolutions banning Critical Race Theory and requiring teachers to notify parents if students request gender-nonconforming pronouns or bathroom access. These resolutions have led to lawsuits and legal challenges, highlighting the ongoing ideological battles in California's education system.

Panda L. Kroll

Founder Panda Kroll, Esq. & Associates.

Panda represents both employers and employees in labor disputes.


Since COVID, many school boards have become a battleground for ideological conflict, and state lawmakers have joined the fray. In California, the legislature has banned "book bans" and prospectively struck district rules requiring teachers to "out" gender-nonconforming students to their parents. Conservatives and liberals alike have challenged not only school policies but also legislation reacting to these policies in pending state and federal court actions.


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