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Sep. 6, 2024

FAQs about IRS Form 1099

Form 1099 reports payments of $600 or more to payees, including independent contractors and lawyers. Used by the IRS to match payments with tax returns, missing or incorrect forms can lead to tax bills. Keep track of these forms, as they may arrive at any time.

Robert W. Wood

Managing Partner Wood LLP

333 Sacramento St
San Francisco , California 94111-3601

Phone: (415) 834-0113

Fax: (415) 789-4540


Univ of Chicago Law School

Wood is a tax lawyer at Wood LLP, and often advises lawyers and litigants about tax issues.


Millions and millions of Forms 1099 are sent out every year. They can come any time of year, but most arrive around January 31 reporting payments for the prior year. The IRS relies heavily on them because the forms allow IRS computers to easily keep tabs on millions of payments. Even though the IRS audits only a small fraction of tax returns, the IRS matches nearly all Forms 1099 against your tax return, sending automated notices to pay up.

Yet despite ...

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