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Civil Rights

Oct. 7, 2024

California's 'ban' on legacy admissions: Much ado about ... very little?

California's AB 1780 aims to ban legacy and donor preferences in admissions for private colleges and universities that receive state funds, but is mostly symbolic due to its lack of enforcement mechanisms.

Emily C. Barbour

Attorney, Seplow Harris Hoffman & Zeldes, LLP

Civil Rights and Employment


On Sept. 30, 2024, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1780, banning legacy and donor preferences in admissions for California's private colleges and universities. The intent, as Newsom described it, is that "everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work" and "[t]he California Dream shouldn't be accessible to just a lucky few." But AB 1780 is little more than a new reporting requirement and is unlikely to meaningfully increase access to the sc...

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