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Oct. 8, 2024

Slur about Irish drunkenness is unacceptable

The stereotype of Irish drunkenness in an article published on Oct. 4 is unacceptable, and highlights the double standard compared to other ethnic stereotypes.

Ciarán O’Sullivan

Ciarán has litigated trusts and estates disputes in trial and appellate courts since 1998. He is a member of the executive committee of the California Lawyers Association's Trusts and Estates section.

We Irish are accustomed to people automatically assuming that the Irish are drunkards, and feeling no compunction about expressing it, in a way that they never would the well-known stereotypes about Italians, Jewish people, or African Americans. But I, and others, were shocked to see a reference to "sticky-fingered drunken Irish goons at Tammany Hall" so casually included in an article in your newspaper last Friday. (See, James Attridge, $95

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