Constitutional Law
Nov. 18, 2024
Death of the 2nd Amendment: Part V - The 13th repealed the 2nd
The Second Amendment, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, was originally intended to preserve state militias used to enforce slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, effectively nullified the Second Amendment.
Myron Moskovitz
Legal Director Moskovitz Appellate Team
90 Crocker Ave
Piedmont , CA 94611-3823
Phone: (510) 384-0354
UC Berkeley SOL Boalt Hal
Myron Moskovitz is author of Strategies On Appeal (CEB, 2021; digital:; print: and Winning An Appeal (5th ed., Carolina Academic Press). He is Director of Moskovitz Appellate Team, a group of former appellate judges and appellate research attorneys who handle and consult on appeals and writs. See The Daily Journal designated Moskovitz Appellate Team as one of California's top boutique law firms. Myron can be contacted at or (510) 384-0354. Prior "Moskovitz On Appeal" columns can be found at
This is the last in a series of columns about what a future U.S.
Supreme Court might do if they choose to revisit District of Columbia v.
Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), where the U.S.
Supreme Court held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an
individual's right to keep a handgun in his home.
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