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Charles Correll

| Nov. 11, 2024

Nov. 11, 2024

Charles Correll

See more on Charles Correll

King & Spalding

Active 7 years, reserve 5 years

Captain (Reserves)

I learned lifelong lessons as an Army Officer that have helped me as I practice law; honor matters; you are accountable for your words and actions; teamwork is essential for success; and control what you can control and plan for the rest. It gave me a healthy perspective on what is really tough and stressful. And I was exposed to such a great cross-section of fellow Americans, which helps me relate to juries.

For me, there is a deep and profound sense of pride in having served our country. And I have a bond with my fellow veterans with whom I have served that will last for life. Finally, I have a better sense than I otherwise would have had on the risks of military service and its personal costs. We should always consider those when deciding whether to commit our forces to overseas conflicts.


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