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Display Honors Local Legal Giants

May 6, 1999
By Martin Kruming

For years, the San Diego County Bar Foundation's Distinguished Lawyers Memorial was displayed outside the Superior Court pres...

Ex-Conservator Pleads Not Guilty to Thefts

May 6, 1999
By Michael Harris

After waiving his right to a preliminary hearing, a former Los Angeles Superior Court conservator and trustee has been ordere...

Cincinnati insurance giant American Financial Group Inc. is about to gain a high-profile, high-tech attorney. As of June 1, V...

San Bernardino Superior Court is planning to join the slowly increasing number of California county courthouses establishing ...

A former Los Angeles police officer accused of sexual abuse by a former Explorer program member has filed his own lawsuit aga...

Defense Begins in Growth Hormone Patent Case

May 6, 1999
By Pamela Mac Lean

SAN FRANCISCO - In the opening salvo of the defense by Genentech Inc. against charges it infringed a University of California...

Judge Arrested on Suspicion of Spousal Abuse

May 6, 1999
By Laura Impellizzeri

SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco Superior Court Judge James J. McBride, 47 could be arraigned as early as today following his we...

Lawyers Reach Out to Community

May 6, 1999
By Martin Kruming

^^San Diego Watch / Martin Kruming^^ Lawyers throughout San Diego are participating in Law Week activities, including a band ...

SIS Civil Rights Case Loses More Judges

May 6, 1999
By Martin Bergn

Four more federal judges have recused themselves from a civil rights case stemming from shootings by the Los Angeles police S...

Taking It SLO

May 6, 1999
By Dick Goldberg

SAN LUIS OBISPO - Denton Wilson, a deputy district attorney in San Mateo County, and his wife, Ann, practicing insurance defe...

Testifying in the trial of movie executive Jeffrey Katzenberg's $250 million lawsuit, Walt Disney Co. Chairman Michael Eisner...

State Bar May Trim Discipline System

May 5, 1999
By Don De Benedictis

SAN FRANCISCO - Members of the State Bar Board of Governors took their first detailed look Saturday at how a downsized bar wi...

Discipline No Defense for Alleged Abuser

May 5, 1999
By Anna Marie Stolley

In a ruling that sends a stern warning to abusive parents, a state appeal panel has ruled that mothers and fathers who unlawf...

Dead Witness Proves Problematic for Disney

May 5, 1999
By Garry Abrams

The death of president Frank Wells created a legal problem for the Walt Disney Co. in its dispute with movie executive Jeffre...

Judicial disciplinary prosecutors have fired back at Appellate Justice J. Anthony Kline, defending their charge of misconduct...

Barrister of Budapest

May 5, 1999
By Jean Guccione

Two years ago, he could not have found Budapest, Hungary, on a map. But now Robert M. Talcott, a Los Angeles lawyer, bar lead...

Judge to Define Liability for Bad Cop

May 5, 1999
By Matthew Heller

MURRIETA - By having sex with two teen-age girls he was supervising in a police Explorer program, Murrieta Officer Derick Boy...

Court Eases Immigrant Deportation

May 5, 1999
By David Pike

WASHINGTON - Rejecting a balancing test proposed by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court on Monday unanim...

Citrus Municipal Court Judge Patrick B. Murphy's lawyer said Monday the jurist is confident once prosecutors interview him, t...

Changes in the medical records of a patient who apparently suffered permanent paralysis after treatment at a Los Angeles coun...

Quadrupling its Silicon Valley presence in one fell swoop - Los Angeles' Manatt, Phelps & Phillips has acquired Palo Alto...

Gray Matter

May 4, 1999
By Stephanie Cahill

Eight years ago, the California legislature passed a law providing expansive remedies to elderly and disabled individuals who...

Man Indicted On Securities Fraud Charges

May 4, 1999
By Martin Bergn

A federal grand jury in Los Angeles Friday indicted a North Carolina man on securities fraud charges for posting a fabricated...

Siding with the news media in the ongoing battle over hidden cameras, a state appeal panel has refused to allow two salesmen ...

Both Sides Claim Victory in Antitrust Case

May 4, 1999
By Martin Bergn

In a ruling that left both sides claiming victory, a U.S. district judge has upheld a jury's verdict on liability in an antit...

New System Promises to Track Losses

May 4, 1999
By Tom Dresslar

SACRAMENTO - Criticized by legislative investigators and Attorney General Bill Lockyer for shoddy tracking of the costs of la...

Los Angeles attorney John Nyahan of Chadbourne & Parke has been accepted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Law...

PHOENIX - Home is where the heart is. To prove that adage, the legal community in Phoenix is putting its heart and soul, not ...

A Little Life Extinguished

May 4, 1999
By Cheryl Romo

Kameron Justin Demery, 21/2, was a sweet-faced little guy who loved rubber balls and liked to play in the mud. "He was mellow...

Stanley D. Myers was a religious fundamentalist who in 1965 summoned his pastor to bless the new Tallmadge, Ohio, industrial ...