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Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Ralph Baxter about legal reform in Utah and Arizona, and the challenges for California.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Andrei Iancu about challenges to innovation and IP protection.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Harvard Professor of Law Richard Lazarus about great climate change lawyering.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Paul Kiesel about impact on clients of court management and lawyer's technology.

March 2021

Mar. 1, 2021

Recent attorney disbarments, suspensions, probations and public reprovals in California.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Judge Jeremy Fogel (ret.), Director Berkeley Judicial Institute, Former Director Federal...

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Jon Eisenberg about appellate delay harms and solutions.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with arbitrator Max Factor III about issues raised by the proposed Forced Arbitration Injusti...

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with author Kathleen Tuttle about her remarkable history of real L.A. lawyers.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with former Majority Leader Dario Frommer on the 2021 issues for the California legislature.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Burford Capital's Christine Azar about the growth of litigation finance.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with leading bankruptcy counsel Lei Lei Wang-Ekvall on COVID-19 pressures.

December 2020

Dec. 1, 2020

Recent attorney disbarments, suspensions, probations and public reprovals in California.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Judge Daniel Weinstein (Ret.) on the importance of character development in mediators an...

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky on doctrinal issues in the Supreme Court Obamacare argument.

November 2020

Nov. 2, 2020

Recent attorney disbarments, suspensions, probations and public reprovals in California.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Dean Mitchel Winick about provisional licensure and other paths to lawyering.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Emily Cook of McDermott, Will & Emery on Covid caused health regulatory changes and ...

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Daily Journal labor reporter Jessica Mach on new California labor and employee legislation.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Les Schiefelbein, CEO of the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center.

Bar Exam Agonistes

Oct. 2, 2020

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Daily Journal reporter Henrik Nilsson on Covid-19's stunning impact on law graduates and...

October 2020

Oct. 1, 2020

Recent attorney disbarments, suspensions, probations and public reprovals in California.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Pat Kelly, Judicial Council lawyer representative, about how the Council has navigated d...

Podcast host Howard Miller speaks with Arizona Justice Ann Timmer on Pathbreaking Rules and Lawyer Opportunities.

Podcast host Howard Miller interviews Daily Journal Capital Bureau chief Malcolm Maclachlan on important bills from the legisl...

September 2020

Sep. 1, 2020

Recent attorney disbarments, suspensions, probations and public reprovals in California.

Podcast host Howard Miller talks with Judge Peter Lichtman (Ret.) on how to succeed in mediation.

Podcast host Howard Miller interviews Stacy Phillips on unprecedented family law practice challenges.

Podcast host Howard Miller speaks with Douglas Young, president of the American College of Trial Lawyers, about requirements i...