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Focus Column - Family Law - By Charlotte K. Goldberg - After hearing oral arguments on June 1, the California Supreme Court st...

Accommodating Tenants With Disabilities

Aug. 2, 2004
By Sherri Salzman

Become familiar with the fancy footwork involved in the dance of accomodating tenants with disabilities. ...

Rock & Rolled

Jan. 2, 2004
By Sherri Salzman

Illegal file sharing finally provoked the record labels to sue their own customers--and, reluctantly, to change the way they d...

Case of a Lifetime

May 2, 2002
By Sherri Salzman

How the state Public Utilities Commission hired a top litigator as general counsel just weeks before it met PG&E in bankru...

MCLE Self Study

Aug. 1, 2001
By Sherri Salzman

A new California statute may expand the right to sue health maintenance organizations.

Jeffer Mangels Butler & Marmaro, which is known for its strong hospitality practice, will host its 11th annual hotel conf...

Just Another Acquisition for Camahort

Apr. 18, 2000
By Melissa Onstad

It's another day, another billion-dollar deal for Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati partner Steve Camahort. And today's de...

Rose Bird: The Last Interview

Feb. 2, 2000
By Sherri Salzman

The late Chief Justice Rose Bird avoided reporters after being pushed off the state Supreme Court in 1986. But right before sh...