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Consumer Advocates Seek Prop. 103 Compliance

Aug. 13, 1998
By Lauren Blau

A coalition of consumer advocacy groups and elected officials asked Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush Tuesday to enfor...


The Los Angeles City Council approved a $215,000 settlement to resolve a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims she was falsely ...

Judges and Judiciary

Los Angeles County would not be able to spend money to build new courthouses until it completes a needs assessment under legi...


Paradise Lost

Aug. 13, 1998
By Denise Levin

Some of them sighed animatedly; others grumbled and shook their heads. One walked out of the court hearing in disgust, mumbli...

Judges and Judiciary

O.C. Lawyers Offer Court-Affiliated Mediation

Aug. 13, 1998
By Tori Richards

SANTA ANA - The Court Affiliated Civil Mediation Program was in the planning stages for about two years and finally took off i...


Case Tests Right Of Corporate Counsel to Fees

Aug. 13, 1998
By Vivien Lou Chen

SAN FRANCISCO - No one disputes the fact that Eric B. Simon was the prevailing attorney in Meyer v. California International ...

Judges and Judiciary

SAN DIEGO - A clerk wheeled two carts into prosecutor Gary W. Schons' office, stacked with a dozen accordion files chronicling...


SACRAMENTO - Voter enactment of Proposition 51, the 1986 ballot measure that limited "deep pockets" liability, remains a pain...

Judges and Judiciary

The Bar Wants JNE's Angels to Be Anonymous

Aug. 13, 1998
By Jean Guccione

State Bar leaders have refused to make public the names of law firms and corporations that have contributed as much as $10,00...

Technology & Science

Raychem Hit With $64 Million Antitrust Verdict

Aug. 12, 1998
By Don De Benedictis

A Riverside company won a $64 million verdict Monday in an antitrust suit charging that electronics giant Raychem Corp. of Me...

Intellectual Property

SAN JOSE - Los Angeles lawyer Daniel M. Shapiro thought it would be a simple process to post the county's criminal jury instr...

Judges and Judiciary

SAN FRANCISCO - The California Supreme Court came down hard Monday on Tulare Superior Court Judge Howard R. Broadman, publicl...

Public Interest

SACRAMENTO - Hardly a hot-button policy issue blows through this town that isn't on the agenda of Pacific Legal Foundation. Yo...

Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti is praising his family support bureau's collection totals for fiscal year 19...

Civil Rights

Nightclub Sued for Turning Away Guide Dog

Aug. 12, 1998
By Jill Boekenoogen

SANTA BARBARA - Should a blind man with a guide dog have been allowed into a crowded dance club here, even if doing so could ...


A Hyphen Is the Difference in Race for AG

Aug. 12, 1998
By Peter Blumberg

SACRAMENTO - Ever wonder what campaign lawyers do? Sometimes they fight over punctuation - at least in the hotly contested ra...

Appellate Practice

Employer Can Be Sued for Secret AIDS, HIV List

Aug. 12, 1998
By Anna Marie Stolley

A state appeal court has held in an unpublished opinion that a company can be held liable for slander and libel for covertly ...

Judges and Judiciary

SAN FRANCISCO - A state appeal court has strongly backed a reporter trying to get access to a judge's divorce file, saying th...

Product Liability

California Set to Take Half of Tobacco Spoils

Aug. 11, 1998
By Marty Graham

SAN DIEGO - Attorneys for the cities, counties and state attorney general, who are plaintiffs in five civil suits against the...


Liquid Assets

Aug. 11, 1998
By Charles Ashby

DENVER - Squabbling over water is a Western tradition. While Easterners laugh at what passes as a river here, only those in t...


Judge: Arbitration Clause Stops Watchdog Agency

Aug. 11, 1998
By Craiq Anderson

SAN FRANCISCO - In a victory for employers, a Santa Clara County judge has ruled that a woman who signed a compulsory arbitra...


S.F. Prepares for Its First Use of DNA Evidence

Aug. 11, 1998
By Laura Impellizzeri

SAN FRANCISCO - For the first time, a San Francisco Superior Court judge is hearing evidence on whether to admit genetic info...

Judge Awards Attoneys' Fees for Drained Lake

Aug. 11, 1998
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle

SAN BERNARDINO - A view of the lake, high in the San Bernardino mountains, looks like a postcard - lush greenery frames its s...


Hahn Testifies at D'Agostino Hearing

Aug. 11, 1998
By Michael Harris

Los Angeles City Attorney James Hahn testified at a civil service hearing that prosecutor Lea Purwin D'Agostino urged him to ...

Through a Child's Eyes

Aug. 11, 1998
By Cheryl Romo

As they watched their daughter go off to college four years ago, attorney Les Hardie and his wife, Susan Moan Hardie, a child...


Rogan on Fast Track of Political Leadership

Aug. 11, 1998
By Daniel Shaw

WASHINGTON - Things happen fast for Jim Rogan. At age 33, he became a Glendale Municipal Court judge. Four years later, voters...

Judges and Judiciary

Panel Sidesteps Move to Oversee Private Judging

Aug. 11, 1998
By Jean Guccione

Declining to interpret a newly adopted constitutional provision, an advisory committee has proposed that lawmakers be asked t...


Interim Northern District U.S. Attorney Robert Mueller III said Thursday in Washington he has asked Los Angeles Assistant U.S...


Bankruptcy Web

Aug. 8, 1998
By James Evans

As part of an effort by the federal courts to make all dockets and judicial opinions available on the Internet, the Southern D...


VENTURA - The lawyer who filed a motion to disqualify a Ventura county judge from hearing some 300 cases involving parents ac...