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U.S. v. Lamont
Church does not qualify as property used in interstate commerce for purposes of federal arson statute.
Constitutional Law Jul. 22, 2003
Single Moms Inc. v. Montana Power Co.
Lobbying efforts by privately owned corporation do not constitute state action affecting plaintiffs' constitutional rights.
Constitutional Law Jul. 22, 2003
Lawrence v. Texas
Texas statute making it crime for two same sex people to engage in certain intimate sexual acts violates Due Process Clause.
Constitutional Law Jul. 9, 2003
Stogner v. California
Law enacted after expiration of limitations period violates ex post facto clause when applied to revive previously time-barred prosecution.
Constitutional Law Jul. 9, 2003
Gratz v. Bollinger
University of Michigan's undergraduate admissions policy of awarding 20 points to underrepresented minority applicants violates equal protection.
Constitutional Law Jul. 1, 2003
Kasky v. Nike Inc.
Corporation's statements regarding its labor practices may be regulated as commercial speech.
Constitutional Law Jun. 27, 2003
Gospel Missions of America v. City of Los Angeles
District court must determine whether provisions of charitable solicitations ordinance violate free speech rights.
Constitutional Law Jun. 24, 2003
Chang v. U.S.
Changes to INS's EB-5 program do not render moot claim that amendments were unlawfully used to reject applications.
Constitutional Law Jun. 24, 2003
Virginia v. Hicks
Government entity's trespass policy is not facially invalid under First Amendment's overbreadth doctrine.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 2003
Sell v. United States
Decision approving involuntary administration of antipsychotic drugs, solely to render petitioner competent to stand trial, is vacated.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 2003
Union Pacific Railroad Co. v. California Public Utilities Commission
California's regulations governing railroad track standards and internal railroad rules are partially pre-empted by federal railroad safety laws.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 2003
Gerling Global Reinsurance Corp. of America v. Low
Holocaust Victim Insurance Relief Act does not violate due process of insurers who conduct business in California
Constitutional Law Jun. 22, 2003
Grutter v. Bollinger
Law school's use of race in admissions is not prohibited by equal protection clause.
Constitutional Law Jun. 22, 2003
United States v. American Library Assn.
Filtering provisions of Children's Internet Protection Act that are imposed on public libraries are constitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 22, 2003
Hillside Dairy Inc. v. Lyons
State's milk pricing regulations are not exempt from scrutiny under commerce clause.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 2003
Van Susteren v. Jones
California's disaffiliation requirement on partisan candidates does not impermissibly burden rights protected by First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 2003
Skaarup v. City of Las Vegas
Disciplinary action which resulted from statements challenging the City's conduct toward female employees was not an abridgment of free speech.
Constitutional Law Jun. 16, 2003
Zeltser v. City of Oakland
City violated pawnbroker's due process rights by returning stolen jewelry to owner without notice.
Constitutional Law Jun. 16, 2003
Deutsch v. Turner Corp.
California's statute creating right of action for slave laborers against German and Japanese corporations during World War II is unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 16, 2003
Lassonde v. Pleasanton Unified School District
School officials' censorship of proselytizing portions of student's speech was necessary to avoid violating Establishment Clause.
Constitutional Law Jun. 15, 2003
Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee v. Bayless
State law that imposes notice requirement on political speech immediately prior to election violates First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 15, 2003
Nordyke v. King
Local ordinance prohibiting the possession of firearms does not infringe on right of free speech.
Constitutional Law Jun. 10, 2003
Chavez v. Martinez
Self-incriminating statements obtained through coercion but not used against detainee did not lead to Fifth Amendment violation.
Constitutional Law Jun. 3, 2003
Apao v. Bank of New York
Private lender's use of non-judicial foreclosure does not trigger due process protections under 14th Amendment.
Constitutional Law May 30, 2003
Albertson's Inc. v. Young
Grocery store is not functional equivalent of traditional public forum for purposes of free expression.
Constitutional Law May 28, 2003
Bishop Paiute Tribe v. County of Inyo
County and its agents violate Paiute Tribe's sovereign immunity by obtaining and executing search warrant against tribe and tribal property.
Constitutional Law May 26, 2003
California Pro-Life Council Inc. v. Getman
California may regulate express ballot-measure advocacy.
Constitutional Law May 20, 2003
Miranda B. v. Kitzhaber
States do not enjoy Eleventh Amendment immunity with regards to claims under Title II of the American Disabilities Act.
Constitutional Law May 20, 2003
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America v. Walsh
Petitioner's showing is insufficient to support finding that Maine's prescription drug rebate program is pre-empted by Medicaid Act.
Constitutional Law May 19, 2003
Illinois ex rel. Madigan v. Telemarketing Associates Inc.
States may maintain fraud actions when telemarketers make false or misleading representations designed to deceive donors.
Constitutional Law May 13, 2003