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U.S. v. Culliton
Questions on FAA form regarding medical conditions are not ambiguous as to preclude criminal prosecution for making false statements.
Constitutional Law May 6, 2003
Virginia v. Black
State ban on cross burning meant to intimidate does not violate First Amendment.
Constitutional Law May 2, 2003
U.S. v. McCoy
Possession of 'home made' pornography within state cannot be punished by law regarding interstate commerce.
Constitutional Law Apr. 1, 2003
City of Cuyahoga Falls v. Buckeye Community Hope Foundation
Claim against city for injury from referendum petitioning process is not supported by proof of racially discriminatory intent.
Constitutional Law Apr. 1, 2003
Sanctity of Human Life Network v. California Highway Patrol
Highway patrol may prevent protesters from displaying signs on overpasses that cause freeway congestion.
Constitutional Law Mar. 31, 2003
Washington Legal Foundation v. Legal Foundation of Washington
Interest on lawyers' trust accounts belongs to clients whose money is deposited; government appropriation of interest for public purposes is taking.
Constitutional Law Mar. 31, 2003
Brown v. California Dept. of Transportation
Policy of permitting display of U.S. flag, but not anti-war banners, on highway overpasses is unreasonable viewpoint discrimination.
Constitutional Law Mar. 26, 2003
McMahon v. Albany Unified School District
Plaintiff's conduct of dumping garbage on schoolroom floor during school board meeting was sufficient for arrest and wasn't protected by First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Mar. 26, 2003
Delano Farms Co. v. California Table Grape Commission
Grape growers cannot be compelled by state law to fund generic advertising for grapes.
Constitutional Law Mar. 24, 2003
U.S. v. Antoine
Canadian Indian's conviction for bringing bald eagle body parts and feathers into United States didn't violate Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Constitutional Law Mar. 24, 2003
Madison v. Graham
Property owners improperly challenge Montana law on substantive due process grounds; should have made takings claim.
Constitutional Law Mar. 21, 2003
Mayweathers v. Newland
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act is constitutional exercise of Congress' spending clause authority.
Constitutional Law Mar. 21, 2003
Arakaki v. State
Hawaii's requirement that trustees of Office of Hawaiian Affairs be Hawaiian violates Fifteenth Amendment and Voting Rights Act.
Constitutional Law Mar. 21, 2003
Oregon Advocacy Center v. Mink
State mental hospital that refused to accept alleged criminals on timely basis violated substantive and procedural due process rights.
Constitutional Law Mar. 18, 2003
Nike Inc. v. Kasky
The California Supreme Court has held that a corporation's statements about its labor practices may be regulated as commercial speech.
Constitutional Law Mar. 12, 2003
Doe v. Otte
Alaska Sex Offender Registration Act violates Ex Post Facto Clause of U.S. Constitution.
Constitutional Law Mar. 9, 2003
Smith v. L.A. County Board of Supervisors
Home visit may be implemented as condition for eligibility for state's welfare-to-work program.
Constitutional Law Feb. 28, 2003
Silveira v. Lockyer
California law regulating use of assault weapons is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Feb. 18, 2003
Bank of Lake Tahoe v. Bank of America
Nevada waived its Eleventh Amendment immunity for state-law claims by removing action from state to federal court.
Constitutional Law Feb. 4, 2003
Degrassi v. Cook
Council member cannot recover damages against city officials for alleged violation of free speech rights under state constitution.
Constitutional Law Feb. 4, 2003
People v. Stanistreet
Statue which makes it a misdemeanor for individual to file false charges against police officer is facially constitutional.
Constitutional Law Feb. 4, 2003
Kabehie v. Zoland
Breach of promise inherent in contract case does not constitute requisite extra element to avoid pre-emption by federal copyright law.
Constitutional Law Feb. 3, 2003
Rubin v. City of Santa Monica
Santa Monica's refusal to allow city council candidate to designate himself as 'peace activist' on ballot does not violate free speech right.
Constitutional Law Jan. 15, 2003
Confant v. Walters
Government's investigation and subsequent revocation of medical license of physician who recommends the use of medical marijuana interferes with First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jan. 15, 2003
G. Valeria v. Davis
California's Proposition 227's reallocation of political authority over bilingual education in public schools does not violate equal protection clause
Constitutional Law Jan. 9, 2003
Massingill v. Dept. of Food and Agriculture
Gas stations may be required to provide free water and air to customers who purchase fuel.
Constitutional Law Jan. 6, 2003
Cuyahoga Falls v. Buckeye Community Hope
The Sixth Circuit found a city's decision to effectuate a referendum which was motivated by racial bias was violation of equal protection.
Constitutional Law Dec. 26, 2002
Planned Parenthood of Southern Arizona v. Lawall
Arizona's parental consent abortion statute does not violate right to privacy.
Constitutional Law Dec. 16, 2002
People v. Stanistreet
Penal Code Section 148.6 violates First Amendment by selectively prohibiting expression based on content.
Constitutional Law Dec. 5, 2002
Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine
Federal Boat Safety Act does not pre-empt state common law claims in wrongful death action.
Constitutional Law Dec. 2, 2002