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City of South Pasadena v. Mineta
In new action between parties, state's sovereign immunity defense is not waived where defense was waived in prior action.
Constitutional Law Apr. 8, 2002
Costco Companies Inc. v. Gallant
Costco's time, place and manner restrictions on use of its premises for expressive activities are valid.
Constitutional Law Apr. 5, 2002
Wilkins v. United States
Feres doctrine does not bar claims for nonmonetary relief.
Constitutional Law Apr. 5, 2002
Gardner v. State Bar of Nevada
State Bar's public relations campaign does not violate attorney's First Amendment rights.
Constitutional Law Apr. 1, 2002
American Family Assn. Inc. v. City and County San Francisco
City and County of San Francisco's resolutions condemning anti-gay advertisements do not violate First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Mar. 25, 2002
Timm v. Reitz
Trial court erred in dismissing claims that a policy requiring random drug testing by licensees of the division of racing is an unconstitutional search.
Constitutional Law Mar. 21, 2002
Opinion of Bill Lockyer
County ordinance may prohibit inter-candidate transfers of campaign funds to avoid 'funneling' where valid contribution limit exists.
Constitutional Law Mar. 13, 2002
San Remo Hotel v. City and County of San Francisco
Fee imposed pursuant to Hotel Conversion Ordinance is an unconstitutional taking
Constitutional Law Mar. 11, 2002
Washington Mutual Bank, FA v. Superior Court (Guilford)
Challenges to pre-escrow interest on home loans under state consumer protection acts are pre-empted by Home Owners' Loan Act.
Constitutional Law Mar. 8, 2002
McCoy v. Stewart
Former gang member's conviction for speaking to other gang members violated the First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Mar. 4, 2002
Weston v. Cassata
Failure of county government to adequately notify welfare recipients of sanctions violated due process. requirements.
Constitutional Law Mar. 1, 2002
Animas Valley Sand and Gravel, Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners of the County of La Plata
Two-tiered inquiry in regulatory takings cases includes showing regulation renders land economically idle; proof of taking under fact-specific inquiry.
Constitutional Law Mar. 1, 2002
People v. Koverman
Trial court incorrectly suppressed defendant's statement because record didn't support objectively reasonable belief that statement was coerced.
Constitutional Law Feb. 28, 2002
TBG Insurance Services Corp. v. Superior Court
Party does not have reasonable expectation of privacy in use of home computer which is provided by his employer.
Constitutional Law Feb. 25, 2002
Washington Legal Foundation v. Legal Foundation of Washington
There is no taking of property without just compensation with respect to funds deposited into client trust fund accounts by Limited Practice Officers.
Constitutional Law Feb. 22, 2002
Lawley v. Department of Higher Education
Colorado Supreme Court upholds state Personnel Board's conclusion that university discriminated against Director of Parking Services when it terminated her position.
Constitutional Law Feb. 22, 2002
Lee v. Katz
State action found where private corporation lessor performed traditional public function within public forum.
Constitutional Law Feb. 22, 2002
Walker v. Kiousis
Civil Code Section 47.5, permitting peace officers to bring defamation suits against complainants, is unconstitutional content-based regulation of speech.
Constitutional Law Feb. 21, 2002
Ryan v. California Interscholastic Federation
High school athlete has no protectable right to participate in sports under federal or state constitution.
Constitutional Law Feb. 20, 2002
Keenan v. Superior Court (Sinatra)
California's 'Son of Sam' statute isn't overinclusive, and is constitutional, because it only applies to stories sold by convicted felons.
Constitutional Law Feb. 20, 2002
Olson v. City of Golden
Urban renewal authority is not subject to provisions of TABOR.
Constitutional Law Feb. 19, 2002
Trinen v. City and County of Denver
Denver ordinance restricting concealed weapons did not violate Colorado constitutional right to bear arms.
Constitutional Law Feb. 19, 2002
Thomas v. Chicago Park District
Ordinance requiring permits for large-scale events in parks is not subject-matter censorship and is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Jan. 31, 2002
Orin v. Barclay
Restriction on religious speech at anti-abortion protest on college campus violated First Amendment rights.
Constitutional Law Jan. 22, 2002
Kimmel v. Dowelanco
Intentional interference with prospective economic advantage claim is pre-empted by Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.
Constitutional Law Jan. 14, 2002
Dusenbery v. United States
FBI's notice to incarcerated convict about the impending forfeiture of his property satisfied due process.
Constitutional Law Jan. 14, 2002
Sun Valley Packing v. Consep Inc.
Claims against pesticide manufacuturer, based on express oral guarantee and not adequacy of label, aren't pre-empted by federal statute.
Constitutional Law Jan. 10, 2002
Cook v. Gralike
Amendment to state constitution requiring political candidates to support term limits violates U.S. Constitution.
Constitutional Law Jan. 9, 2002
Lushbaugh v. Home Depot U.S.A. Inc.
Store's restrictions on speech activities are reasonable regulations of time, place and manner of speech.
Constitutional Law Jan. 8, 2002
Connerly v. State Personnel Board
Challenged statutory schemes, including state lottery provisions, are invalid insofar as they utilize race and gender classifications.
Constitutional Law Jan. 7, 2002