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Norwest Bank Arizona v. Superior Court of the State of Arizona
Real Property Feb. 24, 1998
Kirianoff v. Southern Pacific Rail Corp.
Real Property Feb. 13, 1998
Buckles v. State of Colorado Division of Wildlife
Appeal of dismissal of claim as barred by Governmental Immunity Act is dismissed as untimely.
Real Property Jan. 16, 1998
United States v. 819.8 Acres of Land
Real Property Jan. 16, 1998
Crummett v. Miller
Miner forfeits claim by failing to comply with Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
Real Property May 2, 1997
San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board v. Cushman
Owner is entitled to damages for taking based on inability to fully expand retail building.
Real Property May 2, 1997
Calvert v. Huckins
Federal claim to public easement is barred by issue preclusion if private easement issue already litigated.
Real Property May 2, 1997