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San Pedro Hotel Co. v. City of Los Angeles
Property owner may sue city under Fair Housing Act for interfering with sale to developer of housing for disabled.
Civil Rights Mar. 11, 1999
Ferguson v. City of Phoenix
Discriminatory intent is required for compensatory damages under Title II of Americans with Disabilities Act.
Civil Rights Mar. 11, 1999
Etter v. Veriflo Corp.
Instruction concerning racially hostile environment claim correctly states that harassment must be more than occasional.
Civil Rights Mar. 11, 1999
Etter v. Veriflo Corporation
Instruction concerning racially hostile environment claim correctly states that harassment must be more than occasional.
Civil Rights Mar. 8, 1999
Miles v. Lujan
Civil Rights Mar. 5, 1999
Persons v. Runyon
Civil Rights Mar. 3, 1999
Snyder v. San Diego Flowers
Americans with Disabilities Act requires plaintiff to exhaust his administrative remedies prior to filing suit.
Civil Rights Mar. 1, 1999
Colacurcio v. City of Kent
Ordinance keeping nude caberet dancers ten feet from patrons is constitutional.
Civil Rights Mar. 1, 1999
Sutton v. Utah State School for the Deaf and Blind
Civil rights claim fails where principal and school aren't 'persons' for purposes of Section 1983.
Civil Rights Mar. 1, 1999
Bailey v. Casper College
Civil Rights Mar. 1, 1999
Blackburn v. Department of Corrections
Civil Rights Feb. 26, 1999
Johnson v. E.A. Miller Inc.
Civil Rights Feb. 26, 1999
Leflore v. Flint Industries Inc.
Civil Rights Feb. 24, 1999
National Collegiate Athletic Association v. Smith
Dues payments from recipients of federal funds aren't enough to subject National Collegiate Athletic Association to Title IX.
Civil Rights Feb. 24, 1999
Dahdal v. Thorn Americas Inc.
Civil Rights Feb. 23, 1999
Roe v. Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort Inc.
Civil Rights Feb. 23, 1999
Gagliano v. Storage Technology Corporation
Civil Rights Feb. 19, 1999
Green v. Yates
Civil Rights Feb. 19, 1999
County of Los Angeles v. Superior Court (Peters)
County sheriff acts as a state official, not policymaking official, in governing the release of prisoners.
Civil Rights Feb. 18, 1999
Jennings v. District Court for the Seventh Judicial District
Civil Rights Feb. 17, 1999
Lopez v. Monterey County
Before implementing state voting changes, federal government must approve.
Civil Rights Feb. 10, 1999
Blue v. Widnall
Amended opinion
Civil Rights Jan. 27, 1999
Simms v. The State of Oklahoma
Amendment to Title VII charge doesn't relate back where it alleges new theory of recovery.
Civil Rights Jan. 26, 1999
Winship v. Lumpkin
Civil Rights Jan. 15, 1999
Carleton v. City of Tulsa
Civil Rights Jan. 14, 1999
Morse v. Togo West
Civil Rights Jan. 14, 1999
Wilson v. Tulsa Junior College
Judgment as a matter of law not warranted in Title VII suit where jury could find harassment policy ineffective.
Civil Rights Jan. 6, 1999
Lackey v. County of Bernalillo
Civil Rights Jan. 6, 1999
Richardson v. Albertson's Inc.
Civil Rights Jan. 6, 1999
Pack v. Kmart Corporation
Sleep is a major life activity under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Civil Rights Dec. 29, 1998