Case # | Name | Category | Court | Judge | Published |
Hallco Environmental Inc. v. Comanche County Board of County Commissioners
Order |
Constitutional Law |
Jun. 11, 1998 | |
Lot Thirty-Four Venture LLC v. Town of Telluride
Home rule city's rent control ordinance violates statutory prohibition. |
Constitutional Law |
Jun. 11, 1998 | |
Cragg v. City of Osawatomie
City fails to establish that fired police chief's political speech was disruptive. |
Constitutional Law |
May 12, 1998 | |
Keirsey v. Diamond
Order |
Constitutional Law |
May 6, 1998 | |
Ruiz v. Hull
'English only' provisions of Arizona Constitution violate First and Fourteenth Amendments to U.S. Constitution. |
Constitutional Law |
May 6, 1998 | |
Cosby v. Knowles
Order |
Constitutional Law |
Apr. 24, 1998 | |
U.S. v. Gault
Use of voter registration lists as source of jury venires doesn't violate Fifth or Sixth Amendment. |
Constitutional Law |
Apr. 23, 1998 | |
Dobrota v. Free Serbian Orthodox Church
Opinion |
Constitutional Law |
Feb. 24, 1998 | |
Morrissey v. State of Colorado
Use of initiative process to demand passage of constitutional amendment violates Article V of Colorado Constitution. |
Constitutional Law |
Jan. 26, 1998 | |
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey
A woman may terminate a pregnancy pre-viability, but a state may regulate pre-viability abortions if the regulation does not impose an undue burden on the woman seeking an abortion. |
Constitutional Law |
S. O'Connor | Jun. 24, 2022 |