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In re A.M.
Conviction as adult for crime committed at 14 years old was nonfinal after conditional reversal, entitling defendant to benefit from laws barring transfer of such cases to adult criminal court.
Criminal Law and Procedure, Juveniles 2DCA/6 Jun. 3, 2024
Thornell v. Jones
Ninth Circuit's interpretation and application of *Strickland v. Washington* was erroneous.
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Procedure USSC May 31, 2024
Wheeler v. Appellate Division of Superior Court
Trial court did not err in considering plaintiff's innocent state of mind when it dismissed misdemeanor strict liability charges in furtherance of justice.
Criminal Law and Procedure CASC May 31, 2024
People v. Superior Court (Chagolla)
There was insufficient evidence to imply malice for a defendant who caused a lethal car accident by remaining in her car after a police chase where defendant was nonresponsive and incoherent.
Criminal Law and Procedure 4DCA/1 May 31, 2024
People v. Pritchett
Good faith exception to the exclusionary rule applied where detective took objectively reasonable steps to determine whether the defendant was on searchable probation before warrantless search of hotel room.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/1 May 30, 2024
U.S. v. Chanel Wiley
Because ankle monitors are not inherently prejudicial, defendant was required to prove actual prejudice to sustain her claim that ankle monitor's beeping during trial warranted a new trial.
Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 30, 2024
U.S. v. Groppo
Criminal defendant was not eligible for expungement because his request for relief was based solely on equitable grounds.
Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 28, 2024
Jane Doe v. Fitzgerald
A mandatory stay for a civil action under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act does not require the defendant be named in the corresponding criminal action.
Torts, Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 28, 2024
Brown v. U.S.
For purposes of the Armed Career Criminal Act, a state drug conviction counts as a "predicate" if it involved a drug on the federal schedules at the time of that conviction, even if the schedules later change.
Criminal Law and Procedure USSC May 24, 2024
U.S. v. Lucas-Hernandez
*Nazemian*'s four-factor analysis (determining whether an interpreter's statements should be attributed to the speaker) applies to the statements of a party opponent that are translated by the testifying witness.
Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 24, 2024
People v. Herrera
Jury reviewing surveillance videos admitted into evidence at different speeds and in conjunction with one another during deliberation did not create new evidence outside the record warranting a new trial.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/1 May 23, 2024
U.S. v. Cloud
Failure of prosecutors to disclose communications between key witness and prosecution regarding her providing testimony in exchange for financial benefits was a violation of the accused's due process rights.
Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 22, 2024
People v. Carter
Remand was appropriate to determine whether defendant subject to petition to commit him as a sexually violent predator was entitled to disqualification of his counsel due to alleged ineffective assistance.
Criminal Law and Procedure CASC May 21, 2024
People v. Ellis
Criminal defendant who stipulated to upper term at original sentencing was not entitled to full resentencing with the middle term as the presumptive default sentence.
Criminal Law and Procedure 2DCA/6 May 16, 2024
D.K. v. Office of Administrative Hearings
Criminal defendants who are incompetent to stand trial are eligible for administrative mandamus writ relief from involuntary medication orders.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/3 May 15, 2024
People v. Arias
Prosecution's peremptory strike of a Black, female prospective juror for facially neutral reasons that were unsupported or implausible did not withstand scrutiny and required reversal.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/1 May 14, 2024
U.S. v. Duarte
Federal statute banning non-violent convicts from possessing firearms violated defendant's Second Amendment rights.
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 10, 2024
People v. Palacios
A resentencing hearing under Penal Code section 1172.6 does not provide the petitioner a new opportunity to raise claims of trial error.
Criminal Law and Procedure 2DCA/3 May 7, 2024
People v. Lovejoy
Criminal defendant was ineligible for resentencing relief from attempted murder conviction because conviction for conspiracy to commit murder demonstrated intent to kill.
Criminal Law and Procedure 4DCA/1 May 6, 2024
People v. Patton
Unlawful overlapping conviction for continuous sexual abuse was vacated where defendant's convictions and sentences for discrete sexual offenses during same period against same victim were more commensurate with his culpability.
Criminal Law and Procedure 5DCA May 6, 2024
In re Randy C.
Pursuant to Fourth Amendment's automobile exception, officer had probable cause to search juvenile driver's vehicle after seeing unsmoked marijuana blunt on passenger's lap.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/5 May 6, 2024
Bradford v. Paramo
Denial of habeas petition was reversed where state court concluded that because excluding exculpatory evidence was consistent with the rules of evidence, there was no constitutional violation.
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 6, 2024
People v. Garcia
Trial court did not abuse discretion in rejecting Penal Code Section 1172.75(a)'s mandate invalidating prior sentence enhancements when evidence clearly supported that defendant was still dangerous to society.
Criminal Law and Procedure 2DCA/7 May 3, 2024
U.S. v. Anderson
An officer's non-compliance with department policy governing inventory searches is not fatal to the inventory search exception but it may suggest impermissible motives.
Criminal Law and Procedure, Constitutional Law 9th May 3, 2024
U.S. v. Lucas
Under advisory U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, appropriate standard of proof for factual findings is a preponderance of the evidence even for potentially large sentencing enhancements.
Criminal Law and Procedure 9th May 3, 2024
People v. Flores
Defendant's presence in high crime area and seemingly odd behavior after spotting police did not justify reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, so officers' ensuing detention and search were unconstitutional.
Criminal Law and Procedure CASC May 3, 2024
People v. Berlin
When prosecution fails to request victim restitution within the two-year mental health diversionary period, the trial court may not award restitution thereafter.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/5 Apr. 30, 2024
People v. McDavid
Trial court had discretion to strike firearm enhancement under Section 12022.53 and impose any uncharged, lesser included enhancement for which the supporting facts were alleged and found true.
Criminal Law and Procedure CASC Apr. 30, 2024
People v. Fay
Trial court's acquiescence to prosecutor's misstatement of implied malice requirement necessitated reversal of defendant's conviction.
Criminal Law and Procedure 2DCA/1 Apr. 30, 2024
People v. Koontzy
Restitution order imposed as condition of probation rather than to directly address the victim's loss could not be modified after the criminal defendant's probation ended.
Remedies, Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/5 Apr. 29, 2024