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In re Samantha H.
It is not required in adoption proceedings to inquire whether a willing adoptive parent was first advised but rejected guardianship.
Dependency 2DCA/8 May 28, 2020
In re E.E.
Dependency jurisdiction does not require actual neglect; rather there must be a 'substantial risk' that the child will be neglected.
Dependency 4DCA/2 May 26, 2020
Modification: In re D.B.
Father's violence, verbal abuse, racism, impulsivity, and lack of insight created substantial evidence that daughter faced substantial risk of serious emotional damage.
Dependency 2DCA/8 May 21, 2020
In re K.T.
Substantial evidence did not support finding that non-offending Father needed to take parenting course in order to protect daughter.
Dependency 2DCA/1 May 15, 2020
In re Mary C.
Courts are not required to find children 'generally' adoptable, rather the children must 'likely' be adopted within a reasonable time.
Dependency 1DCA/4 May 7, 2020
In re D.B.
Father's violence, verbal abuse, racism, impulsivity, and lack of insight created substantial evidence that daughter faced substantial risk of serious emotional damage.
Dependency 2DCA/8 May 6, 2020
In re S.O.
No joint recommendation report was required under Welfare and Institution code Section 241.1 because the matter was three years into dual status jurisdiction.
Dependency 4DCA/2 May 6, 2020
In re M.R.
Dependency case plans must specifically identify how services will accomplish specific goals; broad language recommending future unknown services is insufficient.
Dependency 5DCA May 1, 2020
In re G.C.
Substantial evidence supported juvenile court's order removing children from parents' custody.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Apr. 28, 2020
In re Aubrey T.
Evidence was insufficient to support juvenile court's finding that father abandoned daughter within meaning of Family Code Section 7822.
Dependency 2DCA/7 Apr. 28, 2020
In re S.R.
Courts may determine whether caregivers have a sexual interest in children to draw reasonable inferences on risks of substantial harm.
Dependency 2DCA/1 Apr. 27, 2020
In re J.A.
Dependency petitions based on substance abuse must also show the child faced substantial risk of harm from the substance abuse.
Dependency 2DCA/5 Apr. 22, 2020
In re A.M.
Riverside County Department of Public Social Services did not fail to comply with notice and inquiry requirements of Indian Child Welfare Act.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Apr. 6, 2020
In re C.P.
Absolute statutory bar to placement of child in grandparents' custody would be unconstitutional as to them if they establish on remand that they have parental relationship.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Mar. 30, 2020
In re D.S.
Juvenile court's finding that ICWA did not apply was proper because Agency's further inquiry and due diligence was 'proper and adequate.'
Dependency 4DCA/1 Mar. 26, 2020
In re B.E.
Reunification bypass provision intended for parents who refuse to participate in court-ordered drug treatment program, not parents who relapse on road to recovery.
Dependency 4DCA/3 Mar. 25, 2020
In re N.D.
Under Indian Child Welfare Act, Child Welfare Services has continuous duty to investigate if child is or may be Indian child.
Dependency 2DCA/6 Mar. 17, 2020
In re Justin O.
Juvenile court abused its discretion in denying grandmother's requests for de facto parent status because there were no factual findings in support of denial.
Dependency 2DCA/1 Mar. 4, 2020
In re D.P.
Incorporating Dependency Court Order 415 into a removal order without stating facts that support removal does not comply with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 361(e).
Dependency 2DCA/3 Feb. 10, 2020
In re William M.W.
Social Services Agency can meet its discovery obligations under California Rule of Court 5.546 by making all discoverable materials available for inspection and copying.
Dependency 1DCA/1 Dec. 19, 2019
In re Adam H.
Juvenile court erroneously failed to consider Welfare and Institutions Code Section 361.2(a) in evaluating whether minor should be placed with his father.
Dependency 2DCA/5 Dec. 9, 2019
In re J.R.
Juvenile court did not abuse its discretion in terminating dependency jurisdiction because ample evidence showed, among other things, that minor's best interests were considered most important and discussed throughout proceedings.
Dependency 3DCA Nov. 26, 2019
In re K.T.
A denial of a petition to regain child custody under Welfare and Institutions Code Section 388 grants relatives standing to appeal a child removal order issued under Section 387.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Nov. 14, 2019
In re L.M.
Juvenile court did not err in considering minor's proposed placement, rather than solely removal, in applying the best interest standard, and juvenile court's finding was supported by substantial evidence.
Dependency 4DCA/1 Sep. 16, 2019
Modification: In re B.D.
Family Services Bureau's Welfare and Institutions Code Section 366.26 report violated statutory obligations by omitting evidence material to adoptability and was so inadequate that minor's due process rights were denied.
Dependency 1DCA/4 Jun. 28, 2019
In re B.D.
Family Services Bureau's Welfare and Institutions Code Section 366.26 report violated statutory obligations by omitting evidence material to adoptability and was so inadequate that minor's due process rights were denied.
Dependency 1DCA/4 May 29, 2019
In re Caden C.
No reasonable court could have concluded that a compelling justification had been made for forgoing adoption under beneficial relationship exception; thus, judgment was reversed.
Dependency 1DCA/4 Apr. 11, 2019
In re C.W.
Finding a child is at risk in a parent's custody and yet ordering the child placed with that parent is abuse of discretion, thwarts purpose of dependency juvenile courts.
Dependency 1DCA/2 Apr. 1, 2019
In re Charlotte C.
Minor's counsel entitled to receive copy of her client's case file, including any Resource Family Approval Program-related information, upon request pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 317(f).
Dependency 4DCA/1 Mar. 27, 2019
In re D.D.
Substantial evidence supported juvenile court's findings that the previous disposition of returning the children to mother's custody had not been effective in protecting the children under Welfare and Institutions Code Section 387.
Dependency 3DCA Mar. 7, 2019