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People for Proper Planning v. City of Palm Springs
Nonprofit group prevails in challenge to city's approval of resolution amending city's general plan to remove minimum density requirements for residential developments.
Environmental Law May 23, 2016
Center for Biological Diversity et al. v. County of San Bernardino et al. (Cadiz Inc. et al.)
Environmental groups unsuccessful in challenging, via petition for writ of mandate, approval of project to pump fresh groundwater from Mojave Desert aquifer.
Environmental Law May 20, 2016
Delaware Tetra Technologies Inc. v. County of San Bernardino (Santa Margarita Water District)
County of San Bernardino need not conduct full CEQA environmental review before executing memorandum of understanding over proposed project concerning underground aquifer in Mojave Desert.
Environmental Law May 11, 2016
Center for Biological Diversity et al. v. County of San Bernardino et al. (Cadiz Inc. et al.)
Environmental groups unsuccessful in challenging, via petition for writ of mandate, approval of project to pump fresh groundwater from Mojave Desert aquifer.
Environmental Law May 11, 2016
San Diego Navy Broadway Complex Coalition v. United States Dept. of Defense
Navy properly considered environmental consequences of redevelopment project in downtown San Diego, fulfilling their obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act.
Environmental Law Mar. 31, 2016
Sturgeon v. Frost
Ninth Circuit's erroneous interpretation of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act warrants reversal of ruling concerning National Park Service's ban on hovercraft use.
Environmental Law Mar. 23, 2016
Preserve Poway v. City of Poway (Rogers)
'Community character' issue surrounding closure of well-established horse boarding facility in Poway is not cognizable under CEQA.
Environmental Law Mar. 10, 2016
Shell Offshore Inc. v. Greenpeace Inc.
Greenpeace's appeal of preliminary injunction against it restricting its protests of Shell's oil exploration activities dismissed as moot due to injunction's expiration.
Environmental Law Mar. 7, 2016
Idaho Wool Growers Association v. Vilsack
Any error by U.S. Forest Service in failing to consult was harmless; Forest Service did not otherwise act arbitrarily or capriciously, or abuse its discretion.
Environmental Law Mar. 3, 2016
State of Arizona ex rel. Darwin v. United States EPA
EPA did not act arbitrarily and capriciously in partially disapproving Arizona's 'State Implementation Plan' for reducing power plant emissions and in promulgating replacement federal plan.
Environmental Law Feb. 25, 2016
Center for Biological Diversity v. Cal. Dept. Fish & Wildlife (The Newhall Land and Farming Co.)
Department of Fish & Wildlife abuses its discretion by making a determination without the support of substantial evidence regarding proposed development's greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental Law Feb. 19, 2016
Highland Springs Conference and Training Center v. City of Banning (SCC Acquisitions Inc.)
Court errs in denying plaintiff's motion to amend judgment to add additional judgment debtor on alter ego theory by erroneously presuming additional party was prejudiced by delayed filing.
Environmental Law Jan. 28, 2016
Pacific Shores Property Owners Association v. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Department of Fish and Wildlife liable in inverse condemnation for intentional flooding and reduction of levels of flood protection historically provided to property owners.
Environmental Law Jan. 22, 2016
North Coast Rivers Alliance v. Kawamura
The California Dept. of Food and Agriculture's failure to address control of invasive moth species violated CEQA, requiring reversal of favorable judgment.
Environmental Law Jan. 5, 2016
California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District
CEQA generally does not require analysis of how existing environmental conditions will impact future residents or users of proposed project.
Environmental Law Dec. 18, 2015
Cascadia Wildlands v. Thrailkill
Environmental groups' concern over spotted owl fails to stop efforts to salvage burned acreage caused by Douglas Fire Complex in Oregon Mountains.
Environmental Law Dec. 4, 2015
City of Hayward v. Board of Trustees of the California State University
Environmental impact report regarding expansion of university campus is generally adequate, but fails to meaningfully analyze impact on neighboring parkland and must reconsider feasibility regarding funding for parking mitigation.
Environmental Law Dec. 2, 2015
Center for Biological Diversity v. Cal. Dept. Fish & Wildlife (The Newhall Land and Farming Co.)
Department of Fish & Wildlife abuses its discretion by making a determination without the support of substantial evidence regarding proposed development's greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental Law Dec. 1, 2015
Citizens for Environmental Responsibility v. State of California ex rel. 14th District Agricultural Association (Stars of Justice Inc.)
Upon remand from the Cal. Supreme Court, Santa Cruz County Fairground does not need to conduct environmental review before holding rodeo, because fairground had been used for similar events in past.
Environmental Law Nov. 24, 2015
S.F. Baykeeper v. Cal. State Lands Com. (Hanson Marine Operations Inc., et al.)
Cal. State Lands Commission's failure to comply with public trust doctrine when approving mining project requires partial reversal and remand.
Environmental Law Nov. 19, 2015
Pollinator Stewardship Council v. U.S. EPA
EPA's approval of insecticide containing sulfoxaflor vacated and remanded to agency, as underlying studies are flawed and no additional studies were submitted.
Environmental Law Nov. 13, 2015
Berkeley Hillside Preservation v. City of Berkeley (Logan et al.)
Sufficient evidence supports City of Berkeley's conclusion that residential construction project is exempt from further CEQA review.
Environmental Law Oct. 29, 2015
Save Our Big Trees v. City of Santa Cruz
City of Santa Cruz fails to demonstrate that amendments to ordinances protecting heritage trees fall within exemption to CEQA review requirements.
Environmental Law Oct. 26, 2015
North County Advocates v. City of Carlsbad (Plaza Camino Real L.P.)
Advocacy group mounts unsuccessful challenge to City of Carlsbad's approval of project to renovate former Robinsons-May store.
Environmental Law Oct. 12, 2015
Defend Our Waterfront v. California State Lands Commission (San Francisco Waterfront Partners II LLC)
Land exchange agreement underlying controversial waterfront project in San Francisco is not exempt from CEQA review because agreement did not settle title and boundary disputes.
Environmental Law Sep. 18, 2015
Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. USFWS
Conservation measures in a federal agency-initiated MOA enforceable under the Endangered Species Act when they are included as part of the project and thus subject to the ESA's consultation and enforcement provisions.
Environmental Law Sep. 18, 2015
Pollinator Stewardship Council v. U.S. EPA
EPA's approval of insecticide containing sulfoxaflor vacated and remanded to agency, as underlying studies are flawed and no additional studies were submitted.
Environmental Law Sep. 11, 2015
Save Our Schools v. Barstow Unified
Where determinations are based on insufficient evidence, school district must reconsider whether school closures and student transfers are exempt from California Environmental Quality Act.
Environmental Law Sep. 4, 2015
ONRC Action v. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Reclamation's operation of Klamath Straits Drain is exempted from Clean Water Act's permit requirements concerning alleged discharge of pollutants.
Environmental Law Aug. 24, 2015
'Relaxed' second and third standing prongs in procedural enforcement action, plus out-of-date impact studies, substantiate standing in case relating to predator management.
Environmental Law Aug. 3, 2015