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Western Watersheds Project v. Ellis
Environmental organization may not recover attorney fees after successfully challenging Bureau of Land Management's decision to allow grazing after wildfire.
Environmental Law Oct. 10, 2012
Voices for Rural Living v. El Dorado Irrigation District (Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians)
Project to supply vast amount of water to hotel and casino, which required freeway interchange, is not exempt from environmental review.
Environmental Law Oct. 5, 2012
Coalition for Clean Air v. City of Visalia (VWR International LLC)
Proposed laboratory supply and distribution facility may be subject to environmental review despite city’s assertion that it was exempt.
Environmental Law Oct. 5, 2012
California Association of Sanitation Agencies v. State Water Resources Control Board
Regional board's water basin plan does not unlawfully incorporate other agencies' standards and criteria for water quality objectives.
Environmental Law Sep. 28, 2012
Public Lands for the People Inc. v. United States Dept. of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service may restrict miners from using motor vehicles to enter the Eldorado National Forest to access their mining claims.
Environmental Law Sep. 27, 2012
Native Ecosystems Council v. Weldon
Forest Service may proceed with plan to remove trees and vegetation in Lewis and Clark National Forest to reduce potential for wildfires.
Environmental Law Sep. 24, 2012
Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp.
Alaskan village may not sue energy producers based on allegations that they are causing global warming via massive greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental Law Sep. 24, 2012
Earth Island Institute v. United States Forest Service
U.S. Forest Service's plan to restore Lake Tahoe Forest following destruction caused by Angora Fire does not need to protect animal population levels.
Environmental Law Sep. 21, 2012
Coalition for Clean Air v. City of Visalia (VWR International LLC)
Proposed laboratory supply and distribution facility may be subject to environmental review despite city’s assertion that it was exempt.
Environmental Law Sep. 18, 2012
Grand Canyon Trust v. United States Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Reclamation does not violate Endangered Species Act by issuing annual operating plans without formally consulting with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Environmental Law Sep. 18, 2012
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations v. Blank
Revisions to fishery management plan do not need to better protect fishing communities that might have limited access to fishery.
Environmental Law Sep. 11, 2012
California Association of Sanitation Agencies v. State Water Resources Control Board
Regional board's water basin plan does not unlawfully incorporate other agencies' standards and criteria for water quality objectives.
Environmental Law Aug. 31, 2012
Rialto Citizens for Responsible Growth v. City of Rialto (Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust)
City properly certifies environmental impact report for commercial retail center where project description was incomplete, but did not preclude informed public participation.
Environmental Law Aug. 28, 2012
Center for Biological Diversity v. Salazar
Regulations authorizing incidental take of marine mammals due to oil and gas exploration are permissible because anticipated impact is negligible.
Environmental Law Aug. 22, 2012
Robinson v. City and County of San Francisco (T-Mobile West Corp.)
Project to place wireless telecommunications equipment on existing utility poles throughout city is exempt from review under California Environmental Quality Act.
Environmental Law Aug. 22, 2012
Grand Canyon Trust v. United States Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Reclamation does not violate Endangered Species Act by issuing annual operating plans without formally consulting with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Environmental Law Aug. 14, 2012
Native Village of Kivalina IRA Council v. U.S. EPA
Administrative review of reissued permit authorizing wastewater discharges is properly denied because petitioner failed to engage EPA's responses to public comments.
Environmental Law Aug. 10, 2012
Rialto Citizens for Responsible Growth v. City of Rialto (Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust)
City properly certifies environmental impact report for commercial retail center where project description was incomplete, but did not preclude informed public participation.
Environmental Law Aug. 1, 2012
League of Wilderness Defenders - Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project v. United States Forest Service
Environmental impact statement for project in experimental forest, which sought to reduce risk of wildfire and beetle infestation, complies with National Environmental Policy Act.
Environmental Law Jul. 31, 2012
California Communities Against Toxics v. EPA
Although EPA's final rule approving transfer of emissions credits to unfinished power plant was flawed, vacatur of rule is inappropriate due to disruptive consequences.
Environmental Law Jul. 27, 2012
Natural Resources Defense Council v. Salazar
Under Endangered Species Act, federal agency is not required to consult with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when renewing water service contracts.
Environmental Law Jul. 18, 2012
City of Hayward v. Board of Trustees of the California State University
Environmental impact report for master plan to expand university's physical capacity is generally adequate, but fails to meaningfully analyze impact on neighboring parkland.
Environmental Law Jul. 12, 2012
United States v. CB & I Constructors Inc.
In case of negligently set fire, federal government can recover intangible environmental damages because nothing in California law prevents such recovery.
Environmental Law Jul. 2, 2012
W.M. Barr & Co. Inc. v. South Coast Air Quality Management District
Labeling requirement is not preempted by Federal Hazardous Substances Act because hangtag does not constitute directions for use under federal labeling requirements.
Environmental Law Jun. 29, 2012
City of Hayward v. Board of Trustees of the California State University
Environmental impact report for master plan to expand university's physical capacity is generally adequate, but fails to meaningfully analyze impact on neighboring parkland.
Environmental Law Jun. 29, 2012
Snoqualmie Valley Preservation Alliance v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not violate Clean Water Act by authorizing hydropower project under nationwide permits rather than requiring individual permit.
Environmental Law Jun. 27, 2012
Outfitter Properties LLC v. Wildlife Conservation Board (Dept. of Fish and Game)
Wildlife Conservation Board has limited discretion to expend money from Habitat Conservation Fund because expenditure of 'approximately' $6 million is authorized.
Environmental Law Jun. 27, 2012
American Coatings Association Inc. v. South Coast Air Quality District
District may create environmental standards based on technologies that do not exist but are reasonably anticipated to exist by compliance deadline.
Environmental Law Jun. 26, 2012
Pacific Rivers Council v. United States Forest Service
U.S. Forest Service fails to take requisite 'hard look' at environmental consequences of changes to Sierra Nevada Forest Plan with respect to fish species.
Environmental Law Jun. 20, 2012
Association of Irritated Residents v. California Air Resources Board
California Air Resources Board's scoping plan does not violate Global Warming Solutions Act because there was ample support for recommendations on which Board settled.
Environmental Law Jun. 19, 2012