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California Native Plant Society v. County of El Dorado (Cameron Park Ventures)
Payment of impact fee does not eliminate need to evaluate environmental impact of particular project on rare plants in area.
Environmental Law Jan. 30, 2009
Great Oaks Water Co. v. Santa Clara Valley Water District
District's resolution adopting groundwater rate increases sufficiently identifies specific basis for claimed statutory exemption from CEQA review.
Environmental Law Jan. 28, 2009
Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's listing of chemical as being known to cause reproductive toxicity is proper.
Environmental Law Jan. 9, 2009
McAllister v. California Coastal Commission (County of Monterey)
California Coastal Commission's approval of development permit is improper where project was not dependent on resources in environmentally sensitive area.
Environmental Law Jan. 2, 2009
Save Tara v. City of West Hollywood (Waset Inc.)
Environmental impact report is required during decisionmaking process involving city's private development agreement.
Environmental Law Dec. 15, 2008
League of Wilderness Defenders v. U.S. Forest Service
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement is insufficient where U.S. Forest Service tiers to non-NEPA analysis of aggregate cumulative effects.
Environmental Law Dec. 12, 2008
Oregon Natural Desert Association v. U.S. Forest Service
Plaintiffs claiming U.S. Forest Service violation of Clean Water Act are bound by principles of 'stare decisis.'
Environmental Law Dec. 12, 2008
O.W.L. Foundation v. City of Rohnert Park (University District)
Water supplier has substantial discretion to measure groundwater sufficiency for purposes of water supply assessment.
Environmental Law Nov. 21, 2008
Alaska Wilderness League v. Kempthorne
Approval of exploration plan for drilling of oil wells near Alaska is deemed improper due to failure to take requisite 'hard look.'
Environmental Law Nov. 21, 2008
Association of Irritated Residents v. San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
District's report implementing air quality control rule does not properly address impact on public health.
Environmental Law Nov. 20, 2008
Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council Inc.
Injunctive relief against active sonar employed by U.S. Navy requires likelihood of irreparable harm rather than mere possibility.
Environmental Law Nov. 13, 2008
WildWest Institute v. Bull
U.S. Forest Service management plan concerning Bitterroot National Forest is upheld as in compliance with federal environmental law.
Environmental Law Nov. 7, 2008
Save Tara v. City of West Hollywood (Waset Inc.)
Environmental impact report is required during decisionmaking process involving city's private development agreement.
Environmental Law Oct. 31, 2008
Center for Biological Diversity Inc. v. FPL Group Inc.
Claim for breach of public trust brought by private parties must be brought against responsible public agencies.
Environmental Law Oct. 13, 2008
Salmon Spawning & Recovery Alliance v. Gutierrez
Conservation groups lack Article III standing in case involving treaty related to endangered fish.
Environmental Law Oct. 9, 2008
North Idaho Community Action Network v. U.S. Dept. of Transportation
Agencies violate Section 4(f) of Dept. of Transportation Act where evaluation is not conducted on all phases of highway construction project.
Environmental Law Oct. 7, 2008
American Bird Conservancy v. Federal Communications Commission
District court lacks jurisdiction over environmental group's citizen suit challenging FCC's issuance of licenses under Endangered Species Act.
Environmental Law Oct. 7, 2008
State of Alaska v. Federal Subsistence Board
Federal Subsistence Board's decision to allow Alaskan residents to harvest moose under hunting regulations is supported by substantial evidence.
Environmental Law Sep. 24, 2008
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPA fails to adequately explain basis for deviations from child safety factor establishing allowable amount of pesticide residues in food.
Environmental Law Sep. 22, 2008
Natural Resources Defense Council v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is required to promulgate effluent limitations guidelines after listing construction industry as point source category.
Environmental Law Sep. 19, 2008
Center for Biological Diversity Inc. v. FPL Group Inc.
Claim for breach of public trust brought by private parties must be brought against responsible public agencies.
Environmental Law Sep. 19, 2008
Fairbanks North Star Borough v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Approved jurisdictional determination finding that wetland is subject to Clean Water Act does not constitute final agency action.
Environmental Law Sep. 15, 2008
Geertson Seed Farms v. Johanns
District court properly enjoins future planting of genetically modified alfalfa where contamination has already occurred.
Environmental Law Sep. 3, 2008
Center for Biological Diversity v. California Fish and Game Commission
Sufficient evidence does not exist to support rejection of petition to add California tiger salamander to endangered species list.
Environmental Law Sep. 3, 2008
El Comite para el Bienestar de Earlimart v. Warmerdam
Baseline methodology is not enforceable emission standard within meaning of Clean Air Act.
Environmental Law Aug. 20, 2008
Center for Biological Diversity v. National Highway Traffic Safety Aministration
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration must reconsider standards setting forth fuel economy regarding backstop setting fleet wide averages for vehicle manufacturers.
Environmental Law Aug. 19, 2008
Fernandez v. California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Dept. of Pesticide Regulation must consult with Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment before adopting regulations concerning workers' safety.
Environmental Law Aug. 13, 2008
Center for Biological Diversity v. Marina Point Development Co.
Court lacks jurisdiction in Clean Water Act citizen suit due to defective 60-day notice and simultaneous government action.
Environmental Law Aug. 8, 2008
Southwest Marine Inc. v. United States
Defendant’s fees from private party Clean Water Act lawsuit are unallowable costs where they are similar to costs barred by Federal Acquisition Regulation.
Environmental Law Aug. 7, 2008
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch v. California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (Sierra Pacific Industries)
California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection does not violate technical rule in approving selection of biological cumulative-impacts assessment areas.
Environmental Law Jul. 31, 2008