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U.S. v. Moses
Developer who ignores warnings to obtain permit violates Clean Water Act by discharging pollutants during 20-year project to reshape creek.
Environmental Law Aug. 5, 2007
Regency Outdoor Advertising Inc. v. City of West Hollywood (Elevation Media)
Advertiser lacks standing to compel environmental review of ordinance under CEQA because it could not cite any potential environmental injuries it would suffer.
Environmental Law Jul. 26, 2007
Viva! International Voice for Animals v. Adidas Promotional Retail Operations Inc.
California’s prohibition on importation or sale of products made from kangaroo is valid and not preempted by Endangered Species Act of 1973.
Environmental Law Jul. 23, 2007
Vineyard Area Citizens for Responsible Growth Inc. v. City of Rancho Cordova (Sunrise Douglas Property Owners Association)
Under California Environmental Quality Act, inadequate analysis of large development project’s effects on local water supply and river requires further environmental review.
Environmental Law Jul. 16, 2007
Earth Island Institute v. Canainpesca
No change in tuna labeling standards where agency returns arbitrary findings on extirpation of dolphins.
Environmental Law Jul. 15, 2007
The Lands Council v. McNair
Lands Council demonstrates that balance of hardships and public interest favor preliminary injunction to halt forest logging project.
Environmental Law Jul. 2, 2007
National Association of Home Builders v. Defenders of Wildlife
Court rules that Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2)’s no-jeopardy duty only applies to discretionary, not mandatory federal involvement or control.
Environmental Law Jun. 26, 2007
Muzzy Ranch Co. v. Solano County Airport Land Use Commission
Commission correctly determines common sense exemption to California Environmental Quality Act applies where plan merely incorporates existing general plan and zoning.
Environmental Law Jun. 21, 2007
Muzzy Ranch Co. v. Solano County Airport Land Use Commission
Commission correctly determines common sense exemption to California Environmental Quality Act applies where plan merely incorporates existing general plan and zoning.
Environmental Law Jun. 21, 2007
California Dept. of Water Resources v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
California Department of Water Resources denied review of FERC order permitting Pacific Gas and Electric Company to roll in costs.
Environmental Law Jun. 15, 2007
United States v. Atlantic Research Corp.
Rocket retrofitters may sue government for cleanup costs pursuant to CERCLA provision permitting recovery from potentially responsible parties.
Environmental Law Jun. 15, 2007
California Dept. of Water Resources v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
California Department of Water Resources denied review of FERC order permitting Pacific Gas and Electric Company to roll in costs.
Environmental Law Jun. 14, 2007
United States v. Atlantic Research Corp.
Rocket retrofitters may sue government for cleanup costs pursuant to CERCLA provision permitting recovery from potentially responsible parties.
Environmental Law Jun. 14, 2007
Earth Island Institute v. Ruthenbeck
Invalidation of statute that categorically exempts from appeal certain U.S. Forest Service actions is proper.
Environmental Law Jun. 11, 2007
Earth Island Institute v. Ruthenbeck
Invalidation of statute that categorically exempts from appeal certain U.S. Forest Service actions is proper.
Environmental Law Jun. 10, 2007
Safe Air For Everyone v. United States EPA
EPA's conclusion that field burning is permissible is legally erroneous if plain language of state's Clean Air Act implementation plan prohibits field burning.
Environmental Law Jun. 7, 2007
Safe Air For Everyone v. United States EPA
EPA's conclusion that field burning is permissible is legally erroneous if plain language of state's Clean Air Act implementation plan prohibits field burning.
Environmental Law Jun. 7, 2007
Southeast Alaska Conservation Council v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
Issuance of permit authorizing Alaskan gold mine to discharge process wastewater into lake violates Clean Water Act.
Environmental Law May 23, 2007
Woodward Park Homeowners Association Inc. v. City of Fresno (Zinkin)
City of Fresno's approval of new commercial development on vacant land violated CEQA.
Environmental Law May 14, 2007
Sierra Club v. California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection
Substantial evidence to support fair argument that project may have significant effect on environment requires environmental impact report.
Environmental Law Apr. 30, 2007
Citizens for a Megaplex-Free Alameda v. City of Alameda (Alameda Entertainment Associates LP)
Where city planned to rehabilitate historic theater, there is no new information that would require environmental impact report.
Environmental Law Apr. 25, 2007
Vineyard Area Citizens for Responsible Growth Inc. v. City of Rancho Cordova
Environmental impact report prepared for proposed development project failed to disclose impacts of providing long-term water supplies.
Environmental Law Apr. 18, 2007
Consejo de Desarrollo Economico de Mexicali AC v. United States
Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 exempts canal lining project from plaintiffs' statutory claims.
Environmental Law Apr. 13, 2007
National Wildlife Federation v. National Marine Fisheries Service
District court correctly determined that biological opinion of proposed operations in Columbia River System was structurally flawed.
Environmental Law Apr. 13, 2007
Woodward Park Homeowners Association Inc. v. City of Fresno (Zinkin)
City of Fresno's approval of new commercial development on vacant land violated CEQA.
Environmental Law Apr. 13, 2007
San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center v. County of Merced (Jaxon Enterprises Inc.)
EIR must contain description sufficient to apprise interested parties of proposed project's scope, and identify project's significant environmental effects.
Environmental Law Apr. 12, 2007
San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center v. County of Merced (Jaxon Enterprises Inc.)
EIR must contain description sufficient to apprise interested parties of proposed project's scope, and identify project's significant environmental effects.
Environmental Law Apr. 10, 2007
Environmental Defense v. Duke Energy Corp.
Appellate court's reading of air pollution control schemes invalidated regulations which must comport with Clean Air Act's limits on judicial review of EPA regulations.
Environmental Law Apr. 5, 2007
The Lands Council v. Martin
District court abused its discretion in denying preliminary injunction on plaintiffs' claim under National Forest Management Act.
Environmental Law Apr. 5, 2007
Citizens for a Megaplex-Free Alameda v. City of Alameda (Alameda Entertainment Associates LP)
Where city planned to rehabilitate historic theater, there is no new information that would require environmental impact report.
Environmental Law Mar. 30, 2007