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Plum Creek Timber Co. v. Washington State Forest Practices Appeals Board
Evidence supports Forest Practices Appeals Board's conclusion that proposed road project will not have significant adverse impact upon local recreation and aesthetics.
Environmental Law Apr. 20, 2001
FMC Corporation v. Plaisted and Companies
Court's decision to consider appeals from recitations of lower court's findings moots appealability issue.
Environmental Law Apr. 19, 2001
Azusa Land Reclamation Co. Inc. v. Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster
Dumping waste in landfill located over reservoir is 'project' subject to California Environmental Quality Act.
Environmental Law Apr. 18, 2001
City Carmel-by-the-Sea v. U.S. Dept. of Transportation
Lead agency can designate specific proposal as project goal in section of environmental impact statement/report.
Environmental Law Apr. 18, 2001
The Sherwin-Williams Co. v. South Coast Air Quality Management District
South Coast Air Quality Management District complied with law by compiling required studies to support their proposed restrictions on flat paint pollutants.
Environmental Law Apr. 1, 2001
Amigos Bravos v. EPA
Environmental Law Mar. 28, 2001
Wyoming Timber Industry Association v. U.S. Forest Service
Environmental Law Mar. 28, 2001
Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Clean Water Act doesn't grant government authority to prohibit disposal of waste in isolated waters despite evidence that migratory birds occupy area.
Environmental Law Mar. 21, 2001
Arizona v. California
Ambiguous consent decree between United States and tribe too opaque to serve as foundation for issue preclusion.
Environmental Law Mar. 21, 2001
Headwaters Inc. v. Talent Irrigation District
EPA approved label on aquatic herbicide does not eliminate obligation to obtain National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
Environmental Law Mar. 19, 2001
Natural Resources Defense Council v. Southwest Marine Inc.
District court's order requiring ship-repair company to implement more stringent anti-pollution measures is not abuse of discretion.
Environmental Law Mar. 14, 2001
Whitman v. American Trucking Associations Inc.
Clean Air Act doesn't permit Environmental Protection Agency to consider implementation costs in setting national ambient air quality standards.
Environmental Law Mar. 11, 2001
Okanogan Highlands Alliance v. Williams
Forest Service adequately considered mitigating measures before approving plan to develop gold mine.
Environmental Law Mar. 2, 2001
Defenders of Wildlife v. State of Arizona
State law that changes definition of navigability is preempted by federal statute and violates Arizona Constitution.
Environmental Law Feb. 20, 2001
United States v. Alaska
Alaska's exception to United States' decision to offer coastal submerged lands for mineral leasing is rejected.
Environmental Law Feb. 14, 2001
Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's London v. Superior Court (Powerine Oil Co.)
Insurer has no duty to indemnify insured for the expense of complying with formal administrative environmental cleanup orders.
Environmental Law Feb. 1, 2001
U.S. v. Fejes
Hunting guide who provides guide services to individuals who illegally take caribou violates Lacey Act.
Environmental Law Feb. 1, 2001
Tinoqui-Chalola Council v. U.S. Department of Energy
Federal agency was not required to engage in consultation regarding endangered species prior to selling land to petroleum company.
Environmental Law Feb. 1, 2001
Bravos v. Environmental Protection Agency
Collateral estoppel may not be used to only be used as bar to litigation where issue was litigated in previous case and involved same party.
Environmental Law Jan. 17, 2001
Ecological Rights Foundation v. Pacific Lumber Co.
Environmental groups may sue on behalf of members whose aesthetic and recreational interests were harmed by creek pollution.
Environmental Law Jan. 4, 2001
Desert Citizens Against Pollution v. Bisson
Environmental organization has standing to challenge land exchange that does not fulfill statutory requirements establishing value of federal lands.
Environmental Law Jan. 4, 2001
Planning and Conservation League v. Dept. of Water Resources
Department of Water Resources has duty to serve as lead agency in assessing environmental consequences of water projects involving State.
Environmental Law Nov. 30, 2000
Vedanta Society of Southern California v. California Quartet Ltd.
Appeal of environmental impact report certified by unelected planning commission must be affirmed by majority vote of elected body.
Environmental Law Nov. 30, 2000
Hells Canyon Alliance v. United States Forest Service
Forest Service found to have adequately considered alternatives to protect river designated as wild and scenic.
Environmental Law Nov. 28, 2000
Unocal Corp. v. United States
Oil company not responsible for damages caused by pipeline rupture caused by construction contractor, when company exercised due care.
Environmental Law Nov. 2, 2000
Friends of the Clearwater v. Dombeck
National Environmental Policy Act requires U.S. Forest Service to timely consider impact of new environmental information on proposed timber sale.
Environmental Law Nov. 2, 2000
Idaho Sporting Congress Inc. v. Alexander
Evidence of environmental harm caused by logging activities constitutes possible irreparable harm justifying injunctive relief.
Environmental Law Nov. 2, 2000
U.S v. Ertsgaard
Commercial fisherman's violations of individual fishing quota regulations developed by Northern Pacific Fishery Management Council are subject to prosecution under Lacey Act.
Environmental Law Nov. 2, 2000
Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations v. City of Los Angeles
City development plan must ensure that measures to mitigate adverse environmental effects will be implemented.
Environmental Law Nov. 2, 2000
Planning and Conservation League v. Dept. of Water Resources
Department of Water Resources has duty to serve as lead agency in assessing environmental consequences of water projects involving State.
Environmental Law Oct. 26, 2000