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American Forest & Paper Assn. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
Association of wood products manufacturers lacks standing to challenge EPA's pollutant discharge permit determination.
Environmental Law Sep. 2, 1998
Associations Working for Aurora's Residential Environment v. Colorado Dept. of Transportation
Contractual modification of duties allows contractor to assist in environmental impact statement.
Environmental Law Jul. 27, 1998
City of Lafayette v. The New Anderson Ditch Co.
City's conditional water rights for exchanges using water from ditch can continue, but rights aren't absolute.
Environmental Law Jul. 8, 1998
United States v. Telluride Co.
Government isn't bound by statute of limitations when filing for injunctive relief.
Environmental Law Jul. 2, 1998
Biodiversity Legal Foundation v. Babbitt
Fish and Wildlife Service can prioritize listing of endangered species if there are funding constraints.
Environmental Law Jul. 1, 1998
Stapley v. State of Arizona
Wildlife Violator Compact provides independent authority for license suspensions based on foreign state's proceedings.
Environmental Law Jun. 5, 1998
Diamond Shamrock Refining and Marketing Co. v. Colorado Department of Labor
Agency has authority to restrict eligibility of underground petroleum storage tanks owners for reimbursement from cleanup fund.
Environmental Law May 19, 1998