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Abbey v. U.S.
Sovereign immunity shielded government from plaintiffs' Federal Tort Claims Act claim alleging government's misrepresentation as to Hunter Point Shipyard's environmental hazardous condition.
Immunity 9th Aug. 21, 2024
In re: Timothy L. Blixseth
Sovereign immunity shielded state from adversary proceeding filed by debtor seeking to recover costs resulting from involuntary bankruptcy petition because the proceeding was not necessary to effectuate bankruptcy court's jurisdiction.
Bankruptcy, Immunity 9th Aug. 15, 2024
Trump v. U.S.
Presidents enjoy presumptive immunity from criminal prosecution for acts within the outer perimeter of their official responsibility, rebuttable by a showing that prosecution would pose no dangers of intrusion on the function of the Executive Branch.
Immunity USSC Jul. 2, 2024
Amended Opinion: Rieman v. Vasquez
Defendants were not entitled to qualified immunity from suit after making misrepresentations to the juvenile court and failing to provide notice of the hearing.
Immunity 9th Apr. 3, 2024
Rieman v. Vasquez
Defendants were not entitled to qualified immunity from suit after making misrepresentations to the juvenile court and failing to provide notice of the hearing.
Immunity 9th Mar. 6, 2024
Modification: City of Norwalk v. City of Cerritos
City was immune from liability for public nuisance caused by the necessary consequences of the statutorily authorized adoption of an ordinance that prohibited certain trucks from using its streets.
Immunity 2DCA/2 Feb. 26, 2024
Department of Agriculture Rural Development Rural Housing Service v. Kirtz
The Fair Credit Reporting Act waives the United States government's sovereign immunity from lawsuit seeking damages for its failure to comply with the law's requirements.
Immunity USSC Feb. 9, 2024
City of Norwalk v. City of Cerritos
City was immune from liability for public nuisance caused by the necessary consequences of the statutorily authorized adoption of an ordinance that prohibited certain trucks from using its streets.
Immunity 2DCA/2 Feb. 2, 2024
Perez v. Oakdale Irrigation Dist.
Government's "canal immunity" applies whenever an injured person interacted with relevant property in an unforeseen manner regardless of whether the interaction was intentional.
Immunity 5DCA Jan. 10, 2024
Munoz v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County
State-court judges may not be sued in their judicial capacity for judicial actions because they enjoy Eleventh Amendment sovereign immunity.
Immunity 9th Jan. 10, 2024
Moore v. Garnand
Tucson Police Officers were entitled to qualified immunity because plaintiffs did not show that the Officers' allegedly retaliatory investigation was clearly unlawful at the time.
Immunity 9th Oct. 2, 2023
Carr v. City of Newport Beach
Swimmer diving off a bay-side concrete wall constituted a hazardous recreational activity that limited Newport Beach's liability for his paralyzing injury.
Immunity 4DCA/3 Aug. 31, 2023
Smith v. Agdeppa
Immediate threat posed by large, violent man in the gym was sufficient for qualified immunity for police officer accused of using unreasonable deadly force.
Immunity 9th Aug. 31, 2023
Modification: Altizer v. Coachella Valley Conservation Commission
Public entity was entitled to hazardous recreational activity immunity for injuries sustained on its property by off-road motorcyclist even though he was not engaged in the activity for recreational purposes.
Immunity 4DCA/2 Aug. 24, 2023
Altizer v. Coachella Valley Conservation Commission
Public entity was entitled to hazardous recreational activity immunity for injuries sustained on its property by off-road motorcyclist even though he was not engaged in the activity for recreational purposes.
Immunity 4DCA/2 Aug. 22, 2023
Leuthauser v. U.S.
Summary judgment was not appropriate on plaintiff's alleged sexual assault claim against transportation security officer because the officer fell within the Federal Tort Claims Act's law enforcement proviso.
Immunity 9th Jun. 27, 2023
Financial Oversight and Management Bd. for Puerto Rico v. Centro De Periodismo Investigativo, Inc.
Insofar as the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico enjoys sovereign immunity, that immunity was not abrogated by the statutory provisions of PROMESA.
Immunity USSC May 12, 2023
Tansavatdi v. City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Design immunity immunized City of Rancho Palos Verdes from liability for creating a traffic condition but did not preclude decedent's claim for failure to warn of a dangerous traffic condition.
Immunity CASC Apr. 28, 2023
Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. v. United States
Turkish-owned bank was not immune from conspiracy charges because the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act does not grant immunity to foreign states or their instrumentalities in criminal proceedings.
Immunity USSC Apr. 20, 2023
Schurg v. U.S.
Federal Tort Claims Act shielded U.S. Forest Service from lawsuit against landowners whose properties were damaged by fire-suppression activities as those acts fell squarely within the discretionary function exception.
Immunity 9th Mar. 29, 2023
Omar Gay v. Amy Parsons
Psychologists not entitled to quasi-judicial immunity because psychologists' assessments to determine inmate plaintiff's parole review were not binding nor did psychologists function in a judicial decision-making capacity.
Immunity 9th Mar. 14, 2023
Valero v. Spread Your Wings, LLC
Caregiver who fabricated a report about another caregiver's abuse of dependent adult in their care had absolute immunity from civil and criminal liability pursuant to the Elder Abuse Act.
Immunity 6DCA Feb. 13, 2023
Bitner v. Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation
The statutory immunity provided for public entities from liability for injuries caused by prisoners barred plaintiffs' claims brought under the Fair Employment and Housing Act.
Immunity 4DCA/2 Jan. 30, 2023
Holt v. Brock
Court-appointed broker had quasi-judicial immunity when it acted as agent for the court in settling property dispute between siblings.
Immunity 3DCA Nov. 22, 2022
Magassa v. Mayorkas
Cargo service agent's Section 1981 discrimination claim against an FBI agent failed because the agent was a federal official acting under color of federal law.
Immunity 9th Nov. 10, 2022
State Dept. of State Hospitals v. Superior Court (Jane Doe)
Overruling demurrer with leave to amend was error where plaintiff failed to demonstrate she could allege facts establishing an exception to public entity's immunity from liability for employees' tortious conduct.
Immunity 1DCA/5 Nov. 4, 2022
Flores v. City of San Diego
Police-chase immunity pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 17004.7 required compliance with a minimum annual training hours requirement.
Immunity 4DCA/1 Sep. 16, 2022
Myles v. U.S.
Claims that ICE agents lied under oath, fabricated evidence, and tampered with witnesses did not fall under discretionary function immunity because the alleged conduct had no legitimate policy justification.
Immunity 9th Sep. 6, 2022
Ilczyszyn v. Southwest Airlines Co.
Liability immunity for airline workers reporting a potential threat under the Aviation and Transportation Security Act includes conduct that arises from the disclosure, not just the disclosure itself.
Immunity 1DCA/1 Jul. 1, 2022
Grondal v. U.S.
Participation in a case because of the assertion of cross-claims does not imply a waiver of tribal sovereign immunity.
Immunity 9th Jun. 13, 2022