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Morgan v. Superior Court
Even if a trust was worded with the intention to allow the attorney who handled the trust to withhold information from the successor trustee, such a provision violates public policy and is therefore unenforceable.
probate_and_trusts 4DCA/3 Jun. 4, 2018
Estate of Casserley
Claim not entitled to priority under state constitution's restitution provision where provision is inapplicable to court appointed administrator under Independent Administration of Estates Act to distribute assets.
probate_and_trusts 4DCA/1 May 1, 2018
Conservatorship of P.D.
Jury instructions that detailed duration and consequences to the prospective conservatee if a conservatorship petition was approved was erroneous, but harmless error.
probate_and_trusts 2DCA/6 Apr. 2, 2018
Modification: Herterich v. Peltner
The litigation privilege applies to probate matters where false and misleading statements were made in furtherance of litigation
probate_and_trusts 1DCA/1 Mar. 29, 2018
Glazing Health & Welfare Fund v. Lamek
Unpaid contributions to employee benefit funds are not plan assets; employers contractually committed to make such payments are not fiduciaries under ERISA.
probate_and_trusts 9th Mar. 22, 2018
Herterich v. Peltner
The litigation privilege applies to probate matters where false and misleading statements were made in furtherance of litigation
probate_and_trusts 1DCA/1 Mar. 5, 2018
Estate of Kerkorian
Probate court finding of good cause pursuant to an application of executor to participate in probate proceedings under Section 11704 subsumes that said participation is necessary under the Section.
probate_and_trusts 2DCA/5 Jan. 23, 2018
Estate of Reed
Oral order removing representative of probate estate is not final appealable order where order references 'forthcoming written decision' on its findings.
probate_and_trusts 1DCA/5 Nov. 9, 2017
People ex rel. Harris v. Shine
Pendente lite fees improperly awarded to former trustee of charitable trust accused of mismanagement and where trustee failed to demonstrate ultimate entitlement to fees.
probate_and_trusts 1DCA/5 Oct. 24, 2017
Aviles v. Swearingen
Newly-enacted Probate Code 'no contest clause' construed strictly; such clauses not effective unless specifically set forth or referred to in amended trust documents.
probate_and_trusts 2DCA/6 Oct. 24, 2017
Estate of O'Connor
Funds in elderly person's joint bank account pass down to surviving owner, not decedent's estate, absent clear and convincing evidence of contrary intent.
probate_and_trusts 2DCA/1 Oct. 17, 2017
Urick v. Urick
Petitions to enforce no contest clause under Probate Code not exempt from anti-SLAPP analysis; nevertheless, anti-SLAPP motion erroneously granted where reformation petition constituted direct contest.
probate_and_trusts 2DCA/5 Oct. 6, 2017