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Gelson's Markets Inc. v. WCAB
Employer is not liable for backpay for preventing employee from returning to work where employer did not treat employee differently from regular workers.
Workers' Compensation Nov. 16, 2009
City of Los Angeles v. WCAB
City is not required to pay additional benefits to state when it awarded benefits to mother of unmarried and childless deceased employee.
Workers' Compensation Nov. 12, 2009
Esquivel v. WCAB
Employer is not liable for workers’ compensation recipient’s injuries sustained while traveling to medical appointment outside 'reasonable geographic area.'
Workers' Compensation Oct. 14, 2009
Opinion of Brown
Entity not licensed to practice medicine cannot perform professional radiology services as part of Medical Provider Network.
Workers' Compensation Sep. 28, 2009
Beverly Hilton Hotel v. WCAB
Applicant is not entitled to vocational rehabilitation benefits where legislature repealed statute on which claim was based while action was pending.
Workers' Compensation Aug. 28, 2009
Baur v. WCAB
Employer is entitled to credit against liability for future payments to injured employee where insurer settled claim on behalf of insolvent insurer.
Workers' Compensation Aug. 24, 2009
J.C. Penney Co. v. WCAB
Temporary disability indemnity credits incorrectly calculated from date of medical examination instead of treating physician's determination.
Workers' Compensation Jul. 9, 2009
Zaragoza v. Ibarra
Worker hired by unlicensed contractor on home remodeling project is outside of workers' compensation system where he worked less than 52 hours.
Workers' Compensation Jul. 2, 2009
Zaragoza v. Ibarra
Worker hired by unlicensed contractor on home remodeling project is outside of workers' compensation system where he worked less than 52 hours.
Workers' Compensation Jun. 10, 2009
Smith v. WCAB
Employees are not entitled to attorney fees where insurer unsuccessfully disputes requests for specific medical treatment.
Workers' Compensation May 11, 2009
Bontempo v. WCAB
Workers' compensation judge errs in failing to apply Labor Code Section 4658 where undisputed evidence supported claim.
Workers' Compensation May 3, 2009
Benson v. WCAB
Apportionment according to causation requires that each distinct industrial injury be separately compensated based on individual contribution to permanent disability.
Workers' Compensation Feb. 12, 2009
Hertz Corp. v. WCAB
Finding of permanent total disability is improper where based on employee's inability to read and write English.
Workers' Compensation Dec. 18, 2008
Lewis v. WCAB
Injured worker's condition need not be 'permanent and stationary' for Labor Code Section 4660(d) report to indicate permanent disability.
Workers' Compensation Nov. 24, 2008
Travelers Property Casualty Co. of America v. ConocoPhillips Co.
Employer’s waiver of insurer's statutory right to credit against future benefits is valid under workers' compensation insurance policy.
Workers' Compensation Oct. 21, 2008
Medrano v. WCAB
Vocational rehabilitation maintenance allowance is not subject to wage-loss credit where worker is awarded benefits when he also has earnings.
Workers' Compensation Sep. 26, 2008
Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation v. WCAB (Alexander)
WCAB properly declined to apportion heart injury where Labor Code Section 4663(e) declared existing law when enacted.
Workers' Compensation Sep. 11, 2008
Duncan v. WCAB
Sanctions may not be imposed against Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund for noncompliance with attorney fee award.
Workers' Compensation Aug. 27, 2008
Mt. Diablo Unified School District v. WCAB
WCAB's decision is annulled where Education Code Section 44043 payments are deemed, in part, to be temporary disability benefits.
Workers' Compensation Aug. 12, 2008
State Compensation Insurance Fund v. WCAB
Employers may not bypass mandatory utilization review process to deny treatment requests by using alternative review method under Labor Code Section 4062.
Workers' Compensation Jul. 8, 2008
Barr v. WCAB
Report's admissibility as evidence under Labor Code Section 5703 lacks bearing on Workers' Compensation Appeals Board's authority to award costs for preparation.
Workers' Compensation Jun. 25, 2008
California Insurance Guarantee Association v. WCAB
Insurer fails to show actual knowledge sufficient to end tolling of limitations period where employer fails to advise injured worker of rights.
Workers' Compensation Jun. 6, 2008
Caso v. Nimrod Productions Inc.
Workers' compensation exclusivity bars injured employee's personal injury action against stunt coordinators who are special employees of Touchstone.
Workers' Compensation Jun. 6, 2008
Anteople Valley Press v. Poizner
Substantial evidence supports administrative findings and decision that newspaper delivery carriers are employees, not independent contractors.
Workers' Compensation Jun. 2, 2008
Facundo-Guerrero v. WCAB
Labor Code Section 4604.5(d) limiting injured workers to 24 chiropractic treatment and physical therapy visits per injury is not unconstitutional.
Workers' Compensation Jun. 2, 2008
Tomlin v. WCAB
Petitioner should have received workers compensation benefits even though he sustained injury while running during his vacation.
Workers' Compensation May 19, 2008
Antelope Valley Press v. Poizner (State Compensation Insurance Fund)
Substantial evidence supports administrative findings and decision that newspaper delivery carriers are employees, not independent contractors.
Workers' Compensation May 2, 2008
Brooks v. WCAB
Under current statutory scheme, state employees are limited to maximum of two years of combined temporary disability indemnity.
Workers' Compensation Apr. 22, 2008
Foster v. WCAB
Petitioner entitled to two periods of temporary disability, which are to run concurrently pursuant to Labor Code Section 4656.
Workers' Compensation Apr. 18, 2008
Zenith Insurance Co. v. WCAB
New Schedule For Rating Permanent Disabilities applies to claim where final disability payment was made after new schedule’s effective date.
Workers' Compensation Jan. 30, 2008