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self-study/Family Law

Unconscionable spousal support waivers will not be enforced

By Franklin R. Garfield

self-study/Civil Practice

Civil Jury Instructions: Genesis and Evolution

By Panda L. Kroll

self-study/Alternative Dispute Resolution

Handling the hot potato of ‘manifest disregard of the law’

By Fred Bennett


An insurer’s duty to investigate

By Kirk A. Pasich

self-study/Intellectual Property

Art Law Year in Review

By Wendy Dickieson, Kim Pallen


The Evidence Slayer: Evidence Code Section 721(b)

By Lawrence P. Riff

self-study/Intellectual Property

NFTs and meta lawsuits: Boldly go where none have gone before

By Alexandra Darraby

self-study/Criminal Law

When you win and you don’t

By Michael J. Raphael

self-study/Family Law

DVRO hearings vs. Fifth Amendment

By Scott J. Nord

self-study/Alternative Dispute Resolution

Disqualifying arbitrators under the California Arbitration Act

By Patrick Burns, Gary A. Watt

self-study/Appellate Practice

Multiverse Cosplay

By Benjamin G. Shatz

self-study/Family Law

Demystifying conservatorships: More FAQs

By Matthew D. Kanin

self-study/Appellate Practice

Newly Discovered Evidence on Appeal: The Writ of Error Coram Vobis

By David M. Axelrad

self-study/Civil Practice

Nonparty Discovery: 20 Commonly Asked Questions, p2

By Peter R. Boutin, Sarah Malik

self-study/Civil Practice

Nonparty Discovery: 20 Commonly Asked Questions, p1

By Peter R. Boutin, Sarah Malik

self-study/Criminal Law

Criminal appeals in California: The nuts and bolts

By David J. Cohen

self-study/Appellate Practice

Assessing your chances on appeal: Burdens, inferences and presumptions

By Noreen M. Evans

self-study/Family Law

It’s a new year, so let’s talk support

By Scott J. Nord

self-study/Legal Malpractice

2021 in Review: Cases Involving Lawyers

By Kenneth C. Feldman, Alex A. Graft

self-study/Appellate Practice

The Collateral Order Doctrine

By Rosanna W. Gan, Gary A. Watt


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