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Law Practice, Government, Appellate Practice

The bad news is that word appears to be getting out slowly. Anecdotal evidence points to apartment dwellers receiving food was...

Stephen K. Tamura and his family were also interned in Poston, Arizona. Captain Tamura served in the 442nd. He was wounded in ...

Real Estate/Development, Bankruptcy

With fair market values climbing almost daily, no bankruptcy attorney could absolutely guarantee that there would not be unpro...

Law Practice, Appellate Practice

In a stinging opinion, the Court of Appeals noted that letting the Court know you believe it is wrong, even forcefully, is acc...

In its ruling, the court recognized that while having a heterogenous board may be a valid goal, the Equal Protection Clause pr...

We should be embarrassed that the institution as a whole isn’t doing enough to maintain the public’s trust – at a time the Cou...

Torts/Personal Injury, California Courts of Appeal

The Court found there was no reason based on any special foreseeability concerns to depart from the usual duty to exercise rea...

With less than 5% of the Office’s 500 attorneys devoted to affirmative litigation, the next City Attorney is poised to dramati...

Legal Education, Law Practice, Appellate Practice

When that rule change goes into effect, it will terminate the use of passim in the nation’s highest court. But there is someth...

Litigation & Arbitration

Intelligence, of course, is power, which in the choosing of arbitrators, comes down to intelligence ethically obtained - espec...

Trump appointed fifty-four federal appellate judges in his four years in office, one short of the fifty-five nominated by form...

Litigation & Arbitration

The parties bargained for arbitration, and, in turn, a different set of rules.

State Bar & Bar Associations

It seems the audit is more likely to lead to agency bloat than improved efficiency.

Real Estate/Development, Land Use, Government

The government got its project. In the process, private property was taken. After a trial, that property was valued, and the g...

Litigation & Arbitration, Environmental & Energy

Just last year, the Fifth District Court of Appeal issued a decision in Antelope Valley Groundwater Cases v. Los Angeles Count...

Law Practice, Labor/Employment, Appellate Practice

Going forward, courts will likely consider new circumstances, and given the exponential increase in volume of remote work, new...

Law Practice, Appellate Practice

Fortunately, there are a few cases that have poked some holes in the liability barrier erected by Section 230 – thanks largely...

In order to obtain coverage for disgorgement settlements, policyholders need to overcome a series of hurdles.

Law Practice, Judges and Judiciary, Appellate Practice

When evaluating a trial court’s rulings for potential abuse of discretion, look not only for both unreasonable trial court rul...

Law Practice, Appellate Practice

The airwaves, billboards, and internet, are now flooded with legal advertising – one result of which is to generate tens of mi...

Law Practice, Judges and Judiciary, Appellate Practice

Despite Batson/Wheeler, Black jurors are the subject of peremptory challenges about 72% of the time. In contrast, White jurors...

Antitrust & Trade Reg.

To date, only one court has entered an order finding satisfactory cooperation and a limitation of damages pursuant to ACPERA. ...

Law Practice, Judges and Judiciary, Appellate Practice

Courts are used to warning counsel about “bells” that cannot be “unrung” for the jury, but it turns out a fatally flawed trans...

Tax, Real Estate/Development, Land Use, Civil Rights

City ordinances need to be carefully crafted so they do not single out religious institutions in name or application.

Law Practice, Labor/Employment, Appellate Practice

With so much employee mobility today, law firms need to create an environment where their best people don’t want to leave.

Government, Civil Rights

Thompson said that the officers could not enter without a warrant. The officers pushed their way in, shoving Thompson to the f...

The next time you are negotiating and reviewing contracts, remember the whereas clauses. Those sentences that begin with old, ...

Military Law, Government

Besides the embarrassment and humiliation involved in disclosing the family was hungry, the service member was required to get...

Litigation & Arbitration, Civil Litigation

Any comparison to three-dimensional chess, however, is insufficient by itself to illuminate the nearly unlimited facets of pro...