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Feb. 14, 2022

Formidable Opponents

“When I see their name come up..., I know it will be something serious,” said Jim Welty, assistant counsel at Standard Insurance, often finds himself in litigation with Bourhis Law Group.

Matthew Bourhis and Ritsa Gountoumas have their portrait made Wednesday, February 9, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. Justin L. Stewart / Special to the Daily Journal

Insurance bad faith litigator Matthew Bourhis grew up in a house full of attorneys.

“Both my parents are lawyers … and more than anything that dissuaded me from wanting to become a lawyer,” he recalled with a chuckle. “My impression was lawyers are difficult, argumentative people.”

Bourhis said he did recognize early on, however, that attorneys are typically very well educated, possess a terrific und... (continued)

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