Appellate Practice
Feb. 17, 2017
Gary Kinder, WordRake Founder
Gary Kinder, noted legal writing instructor, founder of the editing software WordRake, and New York Times bestselling author of the true crime classic Victim: The Other Side of Murder, visits to share his thoughts on how attorneys can make their writing more compelling, concise, and effective

Gary Kinder visits the program this week, to discuss his path from law school graduate, to part-time prosecutor, to bestselling author who shifted the paradigm of true crime non-fiction, with his book Victim: The Other Side of Murder. Alongside his own writing career, Mr. Kinder has spent the past 30 years leading writing seminars for attorneys, helping them make the most of their legal filings, and avoid writing missteps that often beset lawyers. Mr. Kinder will share his most important and effective writing advice, and also describe how he's digitized that advice into an automated editing software program called WordRake.
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