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U.S. Supreme Court,
Constitutional Law,

Jan. 26, 2018

'Inferior Officers,' Extraordinary Stakes

SCOTUS will soon consider whether Securities and Exchange Commission administrative law judges have been duly appointed, casting doubt on years of (and billions of dollars in) past, pending and future enforcement actions, says former SEC senior counsel Peter Altman (now a partner with Akin Gump)

Peter I. Altman

Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP

Phone: (310) 728-3085


Brooklyn Law School

Peter represents investment management firms, private and public companies, and individuals in white collar and other government enforcement and regulatory matters, securities class litigation and internal investigations. He also advises investment advisers on day-to-day risk management issues related to topics including securities trading, compliance with the Investment Advisers Act, and the use of big data and alternative forms of electronic communication.


Brian Cardile

Rulings Editor, Podcast Host, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reporter

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