U.S. Supreme Court,
Constitutional Law
Mar. 23, 2018
'NIFLA v. Becerra' Panel
Four amici from the First Amendment challenge to a California abortion disclosure law discuss what they consider the case's most salient constitutional points: the (non-existent?) Professional Speech Doctrine; potentially diluted strict scrutiny; the ubiquity of disclosures like California's, and the sweeping implications were it felled; and what is meant by 'informed consent?' Guests include Robert McNamara (Institute for Justice), Brianne Gorod (Constitutional Accountability Center), Steven Aden (Americans United for Life), and John Baker (Greene Espel)

Robert McNamara
Brianne Gorod
Steven H. Aden
Americans United for LifeJohn M. Baker
Greene Espel PLLPBrian Cardile
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