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U.S. Supreme Court,
Constitutional Law

Apr. 27, 2018

Left, Right & Gorsuch

Three guests weigh the implications of Justice Neil Gorsuch's swing vote last week with his more liberal colleagues in an immigration case; John McGinnis (Northwestern SOL) gleans aspects of Gorsuch's 'modern' originalism, Mark Pulliam (contributing editor, Law and Liberty; Misrule of Law blog proprietor) wonders whether the new justice has already 'gone wobbly,' and Eric Segall (Georgia St. Univ. Law) speculates on what extra-judicial influences might prompt another surprise vote from Gorsuch this term.

Mark S. Pulliam

Mark writes from Austin, Texas. He practiced law in California for 30 years.

Eric J Segall

Kathy and Lawrence Ashe Professor of Law Georgia State Univ. College of Law

John McGinnis

Northwestern School of Law


Brian Cardile

Rulings Editor, Podcast Host, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reporter

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