U.S. Supreme Court
Jul. 13, 2018
Considering Kavanaugh
Three guests offer a range of views on the potential next U.S. Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Justin Walker (UL Brandeis SOL), a former Kavanaugh clerk, shares why he believes the circuit judge to be both an honorable person and excellent jurist; Gayle Trotter (Shafer & Trotter PLC) champions the pick and Kavanaugh's originalist bona fides; Sanford Levinson (Univ. Texas SOL) worries that Kavanaugh is a movement conservative whose selection tilts the Court further right than the country as a whole.
Justin Walker
Brandeis School of LawGayle Trotter
Shafer & Trotter PLCSanford Levinson
Professor University of Texas School of Law
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