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Constitutional Law,
Civil Rights

Aug. 3, 2018

Civil Rights of Sex Offenders

In the second episode of Courts & Capital, we discuss attorneys who fight for the civil rights offenders. Attorney Janice M. Bellucci has a tough job: suing the Department of Corrections and local governments for infringing on the rights of sex offenders. As the executive director of the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, she has forced cities to drop residency restrictions, defeated an attempt to disenfranchise voters at a state hospital, and is still battling to make sex offenders eligible for early release under Prop. 57. She joins us today to talk about the many types of laws and legal cases involved in this highly varied and sometimes thankless work.

Janice M. Bellucci

Law Offices of Janice M. Bellucci

475 Washington Blvd
Marina Del Rey , CA 90292

Phone: (805) 896-7854


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