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U.S. Supreme Court,
Judges and Judiciary

Sep. 6, 2018

Kavanaugh Hearings Day 3: D.C. Confidential

Senators sparred over - and throughout the day released - documents Democratic members claimed the majority party had designated for committee review only, hoping to shed more light on Brett Kavanaugh's views on, among other things, abortion and executive power; the nominee largely parried a second round of questioning, on issues ranging from LGBT rights, campaign finance, immigration, affirmative action, &c. Ben Feuer (Chairman, Cal. Appellate Law Group) joins to the discuss the day's hearings.

Ben Feuer

Chairman, California Appellate Law Group LLP

Appellate Law

96 Jessie St
San Francisco , CA 94105

Phone: (415) 649-6700


Northwestern Univ School of Law

Ben handles civil and business appeals in the 9th Circuit and California Courts of Appeal. He is a former 9th Circuit law clerk and co-chair of the Appellate Section of the Bar Association of San Francisco. the Daily Journal named Ben as one of the Top 40 Under 40 lawyers in California for 2018.



Brian Cardile

Rulings Editor, Podcast Host, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reporter

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