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Immigration Roundup

By Andrew Arthur, Kevin R. Johnson, Stephen B. Kang Brian Cardile, Chase DiFeliciantonio | Sep. 21, 2018


Sep. 21, 2018

Immigration Roundup

An en banc 9th Circuit will reconsider whether due process in removal proceedings guarantees undocumented minors government-sponsored counsel; Andrew Arthur (Center for Immigration Studies) and Stephen Kang (ACLU) offer competing views. And Kevin Johnson (UC Davis SOL) describes how "egregious" regulatory violations may terminate deportation actions. Plus, reporter Chase DiFeliciantonio describes Jeff Sessions' latest move to restrict the discretion of immigration judges.

Andrew Arthur

Center for Immigration Studies

Stephen B. Kang

Detention Attorney ACLU Foundation

Phone: (415) 343-0779


New York Univ SOL; New York NY

Kevin R. Johnson

Kevin is Dean and Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and Professor of Chicana/o Studies UC Davis School of Law

Phone: (530) 752-8047

Harvard Univ Law School



Brian Cardile

Rulings Editor, Podcast Host, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reporter

Chase DiFeliciantonio

Daily Journal Staff Writer

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