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Jan. 18, 2019

No Census Consensus

The government's plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census hit a judicial impasse Monday, in the form of a stern 277-page district court ruling that questioned the administration's motives, and which is likely destined for SCOTUS review. Three guests help unpack the sprawling ruling: Prof. Justin Levitt (Loyola Law School), Steven Camarota (Center for Immigration Studies), and former Census Bureau Director (and current Commissioner on the California Citizens Redistricting Commission) Vincent Barabba.

Justin Levitt

Professor Loyola Law School, Los Angeles


Justin helped lead the federal government's work on voting rights in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice from 2015-17.

Steven Camarota

Center for Immigration Studies

Vincent Barabba

Commissioner California Citizens Redistricting Commission

Vincent is former director of the Census Bureau.


Brian Cardile

Rulings Editor, Podcast Host, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reporter

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